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Learning from IM&T


Our IM&T Team has been heavily involved in enabling the Trust to working differently in the reponse to COVID-19, whilst also adapting the way they work in doing so.

You might not always see them, but the team has adapted to working differently as a team (95% of the team have been working permanently off-site since before the lockdown) in order to deliver some major peice

  • Deployed over 500 laptops configured to support more staff to work remotely
  • Re-provided imaging modalities in offsite locations.
  • Created a virtual network in the Nuffield to allow Cancer Services, Community Pallative Care and ED Minors to redeploy there.
  • Created new network infrastructure to allow 4000 concurrent connections from off-site workers.
  • Deployed Attend Anywhere for virtual clinics.
  • Created online forms for the management of COVID reporting.
  • Configured Microsoft Teams and provided support to staff to enable a significant numbers of staff to home work and to provide the capability for virtual working across the hospital, avoiding face to face contact. Within a matter of weeks, the Trust is amongst the top 10 in the entire NHS for our use of Teams.

The IM&T Team were commended at theDigital Strategy Board for the ways that they have helped to enable a different way of working in the COVID-19 response which will support our future digital agenda

Click here for some more of IM&T's COVID-19 Achievements

IM&T team

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