Our Trust is continuing to respond to the demands of a post-COVID environment and we have made many improvements in a short space of time for patients and their families.
Our staff have responded to the needs of the local population, delivering more than half a million episodes of care in the past 12 months, across a range of settings: outpatient, inpatient and working in partnership with our community services partner, Livewell Southwest, in the community.
There remains much more to do in the future years to improve the quality
and effectiveness of services, particularly around our emergency care which needs widespread investment, change and focus to achieve high quality care consistently and reliably.
Our investment in new facilities is impressive with circa £80m invested in 2023/24.
We have made real progress in areas such as cancer treatment, stroke care and care for patients awaiting planned operations. But we know that in an emergency, patients have faced waits which have been too long, in ambulances, in our Emergency Departments and in our assessment areas – waiting to get to the right place for their care. This isn’t acceptable and we are determined, working with our partners, to change that.
We are now focused, via a single plan, on improving the quality of service we provide to patients who come to us needing urgent and emergency care. The plan is built around three pillars which you can read more about on page 11, or in the full annual report.
Delivering this plan will improve the safety of care patients receive, their experience and outcomes, as well as the experience of staff and our ‘orange army’ of volunteers. It will enable us to become a high quality organisation which our patients, funders, public and taxpayers deserve.
The Trust continues to work with Devon Integrated Care System to develop a medium term financial recovery plan to restore financial sustainability. The Trust will also continue to develop and implement its Clinical Strategy to improve services for patients by reducing delays leading to higher cost treatments and ensure increased use of community services to provide treatment close to home avoiding acute hospital admissions at more efficient cost.
I will finish by formally thanking our staff and volunteers for all that they do. As this report outlines, they make a huge difference to people’s lives through their skill, commitment and compassion.
Mark Hackett
Chief Executive