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Trial Without Catheter (TWOC)

Date issued: March 2022

Review date: March 2024

Ref: A-467 V2 

PDF: Trial without catheter final March 2022 v2.pdf [pdf] 180KB

Trial Without Catheter (TWOC)

What is a Trial without catheter?

A trial without catheter is when a catheter is removed from the bladder to determine whether you are able to pass urine spontaneously.

Can there be any complications or risks?

There may be a slight risk of a urine infection following removal of your catheter. You should contact your doctor if you feel unwell, have a high temperature or your urine becomes cloudy and smelly. After your catheter is removed occasionally some patients find that they start to experience discomfort, difficulty in passing urine or that they cannot pass urine at all. If this happens after you are discharged home you should contact the department on the telephone number at the end of this leaflet or speak to your GP.

How do I prepare for the trial without catheter?

You may eat and drink as normal. You can expect to remain in hospital for approx. 4-5 hours so it may a good idea to bring something to do such as reading a book or magazine.


If you do this may delay your stay. If you have been provided with a FlipFlo valve please ensure that you have attached it as instructed before your appointment.

What will happen?

You will have been advised to attend The Lancaster Suite, Level 6 @................... on…………... for your trial without catheter.

The catheter balloon will be deflated (which you will not feel) and then gently removed.

It is not uncommon to feel the urge to pass urine straight away after removing your catheter.

We encourage you to drink fluids (but not excessive amounts) to help you bladder fill up. Please ensure that when you feel the urge to pass urine that you are in the department at the time.

We will monitor your progress and check that your bladder is emptying ok using a bladder scanner. Some patients may be unable to pass urine satisfactorily and may require re-catheterisation in order that your bladder may be emptied. The nurse or doctor will discuss further treatment options with you.

What happens afterwards?

When the nurse is satisfied that your bladder is working properly and you are able to pass urine independently you will be discharged home. It is normal to experience a slight stinging sensation for a day of two after removal of your catheter. You may resume normal daily activities and sexual activities as soon as you feel comfortable to do so.

You should drink plenty of fluids (about 2 – 3 litres) over the next few days after the catheter has been removed, to flush any debris out of your bladder and to help prevent infection.

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