Equality Diversity and Inclusion Strategy 2024-2028
Aim : Education and Understanding
Create learning opportunities to increase understanding and knowledge
Objective 1 : Increase the diversity of the workforce and enable underrepresented groups to be seen at all levels of the organisation.
- Strengthen career pathways for colleagues to progress in their career with equal access and outcomes.
- Measure : representation by AfC cluster and medical staff groups; retention rate equal to or better than the Trust.
- Positive action to increase applications from people who identify with underrepresented groups, ensure recruitment material is accessible and applicants are supported with reasonable adjustments.
- Measure: increase in diversity of applicants and EDI is embedded in recruitment and retention strategies; increase of reasonable adjustments.
- Regular opportunities for learning about inclusion including class based and self-directed learning in collaboration with Staff Networks and Patient Council.
- Measure : completion of EDI Mandatory training 85%+; attendance/access to Let’s Talk Difference programme and EDI Learning Library
Aim : Relationships and Allyship
Develop inclusive relationships that respect and value people’s identities, experiences and needs.
Objective 2 : Maintain an environment that enables everyone to flourish and close the gap in experience of bullying, harassment and discrimination based on an individuals’ identity.
- Behaviours charter sets out expectations that support a compassionate and inclusive culture.
- Measure : 5% increase in Staff Survey feedback relating to not experiencing harassment and bullying from patients/public and discrimination from managers/colleagues through an EDI lens.
- Strengthen relationships with colleagues who identify with protected/marginalised groups and those who do not through increasing the levels of active allyship.
- Measure : related to Staff Survey Inclusion metrics and feeling part of the team are better than or equal to the overall Trust; increased visibility and membership of Staff Networks and EDI agenda.
- Work in collaboration with Staff Networks and Patient Council to provide consistent education and learning to ensure every voice is heard
- Measure : delivery of team-based EDI learning, year on year reduction in bullying and harassment from colleagues.
Aim : Fair Processes
Policies and systems will be created to be consciously inclusive
Objective 3 : Un-bias processes and decision making that impact on people.
- Improve and maintain equity in the relative likelihood of appointment for all marginalised groups.
- Measure : each group to reach and maintain equity +/- 0.25
- Improve consistency and quality of equality analysis in relation to processes and services.
- Measure : quarterly audits of complaints linked to unfair practices with year-on-year reduction of concerns.
- Increase evidence of utilising Equality Impact Assessments and engagement with marginalised groups.
- Better use of data to understand where we achieve equal access and outcomes as well as areas of inequality.
- Measure : quarterly review of data with annual publication of workforce data, improvement in staff survey feedback and patient information by marginalised groups.
- Performance Reviews to monitor progress of EDI measures at local level
- Measure : areas establish ways to hear all voices