Disclosures (September 2021)
Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2015 - General Statement of compliance
The Trust, for its part, is happy for you to reuse any of the information supplied in compliance with the open Government Licence terms. Please go to: http://nationalarchives.gov.uk/documents/information-management/ogl-user-guidance.pdf. The Trust does not permit the forwarding or sale of staff/departmental contact details and a specific 'Re-use of Information Regulations' request is required for such purposes.
If relevant, you will need the permission of other information owners. This can occur when you receive or access a document that is co-authored, or where the ownership is with another organisation. Provision under both the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and Envrionmental Information Regulations 2004 does not entitle you to re-use the information without appropriate permissions. Use must be in compliance with an open Government licence or other agreed terms.
- W21FOI294 COVID Patients on Wards, COVID Deaths, Average Age of Patients with COVID.pdf [pdf] 91KB
- W21FOI295 Number of Covid-19 patients admitted, deaths and vaccination status.pdf [pdf] 106KB
- W21FOI296 RIDDOR - Health & Safety Reports Related to SARS-CoV-2.pdf [pdf] 53KB
- W21FOI297 PALS complaints regarding access to neonatal care units due to Covid-19.pdf [pdf] 102KB
- W21FOI298 biologic and biosimilar products within Rheumatology.pdf [pdf] 109KB
- W21FOI299 waiting time for an MRI scan.pdf [pdf] 154KB
- W21FOI300 Frameworks used when procuring goods from NHS Supply Chain for Capital Equipment..pdf [pdf] 60KB 21FOI300 Attachment 1 Revised NHS Trust Questions - 02.08.21.xlsx [xlsx] 15KB 21FOI300 Attachment 2 NHSSC Framework Orders Apr 2020 - Mar 2021.xlsx [xlsx] 14KB
- W21FOI301 Equality and Diversity Policies for Patient & Staff, Care Provision for Transgender Patients.pdf [pdf] 2MB
- W21FOI302 Hospital Capacity on 8th September 2021.pdf [pdf] 300KB
- W21FOI303 Treatment of Triple-Negative Breast Cancer.pdf [pdf] 72KB
- W21FOI304 Responsibility for Hospital Helipad.pdf [pdf] 67KB
- W21FOI305 usage of medicines is recorded in secondary care.pdf [pdf] 133KB
- W21FOI306 Trust Spending on Unlicensed Medicine 2018, 2019, 2020.pdf [pdf] 62KB
- W21FOI307 Software for Management of Annual Appraisals, Revalidation, 360 MSF.pdf [pdf] 57KB
- W21FOI308 Patients treated in past 3 months by Gastroenterology with biologic drugs, Crohn's disease.pdf [pdf] 150KB
- W21FOI309 PAS or EPR Systems used in Trust's Emergency Departments.pdf [pdf] 135KB
- W21FOI310 Payment to Suppliers of £5,000 or More in 2020.pdf [pdf] 35KB Suppliers over £5,000 - CY 2020.xlsx [xlsx] 46KB
- W21FOI312 Musculoskeletal Physio Services Service Manager.pdf [pdf] 52KB
- W21FOI313 Use of business intelligence and benchmarking tools.pdf [pdf] 319KB
- W21FOI314 Patients Diagnosed with Tinnitus.pdf [pdf] 53KB
- W21FOI315 Job Titles and Banding within IM&T Department.pdf [pdf] 52KB 21FOI315 - Attachment - IT report 20.09.21.xlsx [xlsx] 12KB
- W21FOI316 Digital dictation speech recognition solutions and contracts.pdf [pdf] 139KB
- W21FOI317 Structured English Language Reference, Medical Training Initiative.pdf [pdf] 142KB 21FOI317 response in Excel format.xlsx [xlsx] 10KB
- W21FOI318 Office and building cleaning, general waste services and laundry services.pdf [pdf] 157KB
- W21FOI320 Dermatology Department Patients Treated with Specific Biologic Drugs.pdf [pdf] 98KB
- W21FOI321 PET-CT for Biochemical Recurrence in Prostate Cancer.pdf [pdf] 79KB
- W21FOI322 Accessible Information Standard.pdf [pdf] 187KB
- W21FOI323 Trust Artwork Purchases, value and display.pdf [pdf] 141KB
- W21FOI324 Recruitment and Retention Premia (RRP) within Estates Department.pdf [pdf] 101KB
- W21FOI325 Patient Assaults by a Third Party.pdf [pdf] 36KB
- W21FOI326 Name & email of Neurology Physio Lead, Ward Manager, & Service Manager.pdf [pdf] 124KB
- W21FOI327 Supplier Payments of £5,000 or More in 2020.pdf [pdf] 35KB Suppliers over £5,000 - CY 2020.xlsx [xlsx] 47KB
- W21FOI328 Deployment of named technologies in the Trust.pdf [pdf] 141KB
- W21FOI329 Trust use of insourcing to aid waiting list management.pdf [pdf] 109KB 21FOI329 Attachment.xlsx [xlsx] 10KB
- W21FOI330 Which ERP, BACS, NHS Shared Service Provider used by the Trust.pdf [pdf] 151KB
- W21FOI331 Renal Unit Dialysis Stations, Machine Models.pdf [pdf] 65KB 21FOI331 Attachment.xlsx [xlsx] 17KB
- W21FOI332 Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase (KPC) & other Carbapenemase.pdf [pdf] 99KB
- W21FOI333 Name & Email of Transformation, Operational, Integration Managers.pdf [pdf] 145KB
- W21FOI334 Name & expiry of Patient Level Information Costing System (PLICS) supplier & contract.pdf [pdf] 138KB
- W21FOI336 Anti-VEGF treatments for eye conditions.pdf [pdf] 110KB
- W21FOI337 Non-Disclosure Agreements.pdf [pdf] 96KB
- W21FOI338 Risk Assessment for Staff Exposed to Surgical Smoke.pdf [pdf] 201KB
- W21FOI341 Private or Overseas Patient Services Software and Treatment Unit.pdf [pdf] 554KB
- W21FOI342 Energy Efficiency of Hospital Buildings.pdf [pdf] 128KB