Critical Incident Stood Down - 9 January 2025 | Latest News

Critical Incident Stood Down - 9 January 2025

Front of Derriford Hospital with the words 'Thank You' written on it

Message from Darryn Allcorn, Chief Nurse:

"On Tuesday 7 January, we shared that University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust had declared a Critical Incident due to significant and rising demand for hospital care. 

"Following incredible efforts by our staff and colleagues in partner organisations over the last few days, I am pleased to report that our position has improved and the decision has been taken to step down from Critical Incident as of late morning (Thursday 9 January).

"It is important to note that although the critical incident has been stood down we continue to have many patients needing hospital care and we have a relentless focus on minimising waits for patients, working to this end with other partners across both the Devon and Cornwall healthcare systems. Thank you to everyone who has supported us."

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