UHP research team showcase Mobile Research Units at 2024 Research and Development Forum

Health and care professionals from across the South West Peninsula were praised for their innovative and impactful research delivery and leadership at a prestigious three-day event last week.
Over 850 research and development colleagues from across the UK gathered in Wales from 12 to 14 May at the 2024 Research and Development Forum. The forum showcased the latest developments across the UK and ways teams are advancing health and care research practice. The conference included presentations from the UK-wide professional community in research management, support and leadership in health and care.
Catherine Pitman and Eden Wildman, from University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust (UHP), received huge applause for their presentation to delegates about Derriford Hospital’s Mobile Research Units - which are helping to include people from underserved communities in vital health and care research.
Speaking about the event, Catherine Pitman, Lead Research Nurse at UHP, said: “I am proud to showcase the innovative work of the Mobile Research Unit working across boundaries here at UHP.
“Many delegates were interested to know what we were doing and how we are doing it. It’s great to know we are at the front of the curve regarding mobile research units in the UK – well done to all involved this has been a massive team effort.”
Eden Wildman, Research Nurse Specialist at UHP, added: “I am so pleased to share our experience developing the Mobile Research Unit service in Plymouth. The team has worked hard with our community to understand what matters to them and what they want from the service.
“At the Research and Development Forum we shared our work with local artist Beth Tyner in designing the unit which developed a lot of interest from delegates across the country. Conferences are always a brilliant opportunity to share learning across the UK and we were excited to see our colleagues recognised for their achievements too.”
Colleagues from across Cornwall, Devon and Somerset were held in high regard, with several staff giving presentations and others being commended as winners and runners-up for their various poster submissions.
Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust Research and Development Team were announced runners up in the best poster presentation, as were Angela Holland, from Devon Partnership NHS Trust and Adrian Hayes, from Somerset NHS Foundation Trust for their poster about embedding peer support workers in mental health research teams – a project funded by the NIHR Clinical Research Network South West Peninsula (CRN SWP).
Alison Potter, Research Delivery Manager for the CRN SWP, was also commended for her talk about increasing research opportunities in primary care.
Mike Visick, Chief Operating Officer for the NIHR CRN SWP, said: “The South West Peninsula was professionally and dynamically represented via both our colleagues who presented and colleagues who submitted posters of which there were in excess of 100. I left the event with a real sense of pride as to how the region came together and showcased our achievements."
For more information how to get involved in research at UHP, visit the Research and Development website at https://www.plymouthhospitals.nhs.uk/research/. For further information on the NIHR Clinical Research Network South West Peninsula, visit https://local.nihr.ac.uk/lcrn/south-west-peninsula/.