Staff Lateral Flow Test Reporting

Thank you for reporting your latest lateral flow test results. The Trust is required to collate and report results once a week to Public Health England via a secure portal. The data you submit will be integrated with your gender, ethnicity, date of birth and address extracted from your ESR staff record. This additional information is required to avoid double counting and to enable epidemiological analysis. Full details are available in the privacy notice.


Filling in the form:

Stage 1: We’ll ask you for either your assignment number or national insurance number. This will help us to integrate the data source which also reduces the number of questions you need to answer each time.

Stage 2: This section relates to your latest test result.


How do I use the kit?

We recommend you take the first test at work, with a colleague. Here is a link to a video showing how the swabs should be used, created and kindly shared by colleagues at Royal Surrey NHS FT. This is best viewed in Chrome or Safari. There is also a link to a written leaflet here. Here is a link to a number of Frequently Asked Questions should you want to know more.


What to do if the test is positive?

In addition to the reporting form, please call you line manager to discuss your options. You will also need to call the STAR hub (Staff Test and Release - 01752 438999 ) to book a PCR test.


What to do if the test fails?

You should retake the test if it fails, but please still complete the form for both the failed test and the repeat test as this is part of the reporting.


Please complete the form:

First, we will need either your:

Note: Questions marked by * are mandatory


Privacy Notice - Staff data transfer to Public Health England to support the wider NHS manage during the COVID-19 pandemic

The Trust is one of 34 Trusts to take part in a national initiative to supply voluntary home testing kits for COVID-19 for frontline staff, which is an important development in response to the pandemic and to keep our hospital safe for patients, visitors and our colleagues.  

If you choose to participate, during week commencing 23 November 2020, you will need to carefully follow the guidance and submit your results via the online form on the Trust external website.  The Trust is required to collate and report results once a week to Public Health England via a secure portal.  The data you submit will be integrated with your gender, ethnicity, date of birth and address extracted from your ESR staff record.  This additional information is required to avoid double counting and to enable epidemiological analysis.  We understand the data is being collected using the Health Protection (Notification) Regulations 2010.

If you were previously asked to submit data to your Service Line, this has been replaced by the online form.

Adrian Marchbank

Caldicott Guardian/Consultant Cardiothoracic Surgeon

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