Developing the Workforce - Notes for Managers

Although specialist support has increased for this group of patients and their families it is recognised that there are still considerable improvements to be made in supporting & developing the knowledge and skills of the workforce who deliver that care. It is important that we invest in all of our staff if we are to improve the experience of the cancer patient & their families in all places and at all stages of their cancer journey.

Cancer patients and their families are cared for in a variety of settings and by a number of multidisciplinary teams, both in the community and hospital settings.  These specialised teams work to provide comprehensive care & treatment throughout each step of the patient pathway.  Because the field of oncology has become so specialised it is easy for professionals to lose sight of the bigger picture. For the person with a cancer diagnosis the pathway can feel fragmentary as they pass through a variety of settings and teams as part of their treatment & care. The study days provide the overview of each pathway allowing staff to understand the key steps in both the treatment and care of patients with cancer and their own team’s role within that pathway.

In recognition and support of national and local directives a variety of study days and courses have been developed locally to facilitate good practice in cancer and palliative care. The aim is to build upon existing skills and good practice by providing a comprehensive education programme that meets the knowledge and information needs of a variety of healthcare professionals working in a variety of settings and a variety of levels.

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