Contact Us

For enquiries about existing hospital appointments please contact the department directly. The number will be on your appointment letter. 

For other enquries please use the online contact form below.

Our address is: Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust, Derriford Road, Crownhill, Plymouth, Devon, PL6 8DH

Telephone:  01752 202082

Learn from Excellence Say Thank You and help us to ‘Learn from Excellence’

We know that our staff can make a positive impact on the patients, families, friends and carers that they come in to contact with. If you would like to say thank you or pay a compliment to one or more staff members, or inform us of a positive experience that you have had within the Trust, then please click here.

When a staff member is nominated through this system, they receive a thank you card containing your exact words and if you would like, your name. The card ensures that staff feel valued and thanked for their actions and encourages them to continue providing similar excellent patient care. Hearing about your experience of where things have gone well is also helpful to the wider Trust, as we can learn from the examples they set. 

Subject Access Requests
To make a request for personal information that the Trust may hold about you (Subject Access Request) please download and complete this form . Once it is returned to your request will be processed.

Freedom of Information Requests

For more information on Freedom of Information requests, click here.

Online contact form


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