Outpatient appointment rebooking and cancellation
Less than 24 hours rebooking or cancellation
For appointment rebooking or cancellations due to take place in less than 24 hours, please let the department know as soon as possible so that your appointment can be given to another patient. The relevant contact details should be in your appointment letter. If you can't find them, please contact us via our main switchboard on 01752 202082.
General rebooking or cancellations
If you would like to rebook or cancel an outpatient appointment which is due to take place in more than 24 hours, please use our online form below.
You will be asked to complete a set of questions, which will ensure your appointment is rebooked or cancelled correctly.
The form can be used by patients, carers, guardians, and other relatives on behalf of the patient. Please ensure you have the following patient related information to hand, prior to completing the form:
Patients full name
Patients date of birth
Patients address
Patient NHS number
Date of appointment you wish to change
Speciality of the appointment you wish to change
All requests will be actioned within the following timeframe:
2 working days Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 5pm
3 working days during weekends and bank holidays
If you have requested for the appointment to be rebooked, the department will call to book this with you, at a new convenient date and time.
If you need support in completing the form, please contact our team on 01752 439701.