1. Patient electronic letters

  2. Home

  3. Our Consultants

  4. I am a patient

    1. Your Outpatient Appointment
      1. PIFU: Patient Initiated Follow-Up
      2. Video consultations
      3. Outpatient appointment rebooking and cancellation
      4. Day Case Surgery
    2. Your Inpatient Stay
      1. Hospital Radio Plymouth
    3. Overseas Visitors
    4. Carers
    5. Bereavement in Hospital
    6. Pastoral & Spiritual Care (Chaplaincy)
    7. Waiting Times
      1. Appointment and Admission Waits
      2. Access to our services
      3. Urgent Care Waiting Times
    8. Patient Information Leaflets
    9. Access to Medical Records
    10. Safer Staffing
    11. NHS Numbers
    12. Boots outpatient pharmacy
    13. Patient Council
      1. Young Persons' Patient Council
      2. Meet our Patient Council
  5. Media Library

    1. Welcome to Plymouth Children's Theatres
    2. Maternity - Outpatient care in our Antenatal Clinic
    3. Maternity - Out in the Community
    4. Maternity Unit Tour
    5. Cardiac CT Scan
    6. Introduction to Chemotherapy
    7. Cardiac Stress Perfusion MRI Scan
    8. Getting ready for Surgery
    9. Introduction to the TAVI Procedure
    10. Aortic Stenosis: Evelleen's Story
  6. I am visiting

    1. Getting here
    2. Ward Contacts and Visiting Times
    3. Finding your way at Derriford Hospital
    4. Visiting a Patient
    5. Shops, Cafés and Restaurants
    6. Disabled Facilities
    7. Facilities at Derriford Hospital
    8. Local Accommodation
  7. Get Involved

    1. Work Experience
    2. Volunteering
    3. T Levels
    4. VIP Awards
    5. Plymouth Hospitals Charity
      1. Ways to give
        1. NHS Blue Wave at Plymouth Ocean City Running Festival
        2. Santa Slide
        3. The Keep Me Close Appeal Black Tie Ball
        4. Snowdrop Suite Fund
        5. Support us
          1. Make a donation
          2. Volunteer
          3. Leave a gift in your Will
          4. Give in celebration
            1. Support us on your anniversary
            2. Support us on your birthday
            3. Support us on your wedding day
          5. Make a gift in memory
          6. Fundraise
        6. Gift aid
        7. Keep Me Close
        8. The NICU Fund
        9. Derriford Childrens Wards
          1. Gold Dust Appeal
          2. Derriford Childrens Wards Background
          3. Challenge 31
        10. The ICU Secret Garden
      2. News
        1. News and Events
          1. Charity - news - secretgarden - Jayden
          2. Plymouth Hospitals Charity Murals Derriford Postbridge
      3. About You
      4. Contact Us
      5. About Us
    6. League of Friends
    7. Patient Led Assessments of the Care Environment (PLACE)
  8. Our Services

    1. Uro-oncology cancer support
      1. Bladder cancer support
      2. Kidney cancer support
      3. Prostate cancer support
      4. Testicular cancer support
      5. Uro-oncology support for all
      6. Uro-oncology exercise and dietary information for all
    2. Acute Pain Management
    3. Anaesthetics
      1. Our Anaesthetists
      2. Your Anaesthetic
      3. Allergy Testing
      4. Anaesthetics Education
      5. Pre-op Assessment & Exercise Testing
      6. Simulation
      7. Sub-Specialties
        1. Orthopaedic Anaesthesia
      8. ACSA Accreditation
    4. Audiology
      1. Information for GPs & Other Referrers
      2. Audiology Useful Links
      3. Audiology Patient Information
      4. Audiology Contact Us
      5. Audiology - Why Choose Us
    5. Bariatric Surgery
      1. Having bariatric surgery?
      2. Types of Bariatric Surgery
      3. Follow Up After Bariatric Surgery
      4. Pregnancy and Bariatric Surgery
      5. Bariatric Surgery and Type 2 Diabetes
      6. NICE Guidelines for Bariatric Surgery
    6. Cancer Services
      1. Suspected Cancer Referral Forms
      2. Suspected Cancer Patient Information
    7. Cardiology
      1. Cardiology Patient Films
    8. Cardiothoracic Surgery
    9. Chest Clinic
    10. Child Development Centre
      1. Advice and Guidance
      2. What can a family expect from the CDC
        1. Children's Bladder and Bowel care Team
        2. CDC's Children's Psychological Health and Wellbeing Team
        3. Specialist Services for children at the CDC
        4. Groups run at the Child Development Centre
        5. Paediatric Audiology
        6. Physiotherapy at the CDC
        7. Occupational Therapy at the CDC
          1. Occupational Therapy FAQ's
      3. Guidance for General Practitioners
      4. Visiting us
        1. CDC Art Project 2023
      5. Video: Walkthrough the CDC
      6. CDC: Useful Links
    11. Children's Theatres
      1. Coming to Children's Theatres
      2. Pre-operative Assessment
      3. What happens before your operation?
      4. What happens after your operation?
      5. Information for parents and carers
      6. All About Our Services
      7. All About Us
      8. All about going to sleep
      9. Watch our short film
    12. Clinical Immunology and Allergy
      1. The Eden Unit Team
      2. Our Day Case Unit
      3. Allergy Clinic
      4. Hereditary Angioedema (HAE) Clinic
      5. Immunodeficiency Clinic
      6. Immunology Laboratory
      7. Referral Guidelines
      8. GP Information
      9. Adrenaline Auto-Injector training
    13. Clinical Psychology
    14. Colorectal
    15. Colposcopy
      1. The Colposcopy Team
      2. Information about the Colposcopy Department
      3. Useful Colposcopy Links
    16. Complications of Excess Weight (CEW) Service
      1. CEW Service – Contact us
      2. CEW Service - Healthcare professionals
      3. CEW Service – How to find us
    17. Dementia
      1. Dementia: Patient Information
      2. Supporting Carers and John's Campaign
      3. Dementia: Information for Staff
      4. Dementia Awareness: A Poem
      5. Champions for Elder Care
      6. Dementia: Useful Links
    18. Autism Service
      1. Derriford Autism Service Reports
      2. Do you think you might have Autism?
      3. Make a referral
      4. Paediatrics
      5. Autism Useful Links
      6. Autism Resources
      7. aDAPt
    19. Dermatology
      1. Meet Our Team
      2. About Our Unit
      3. Useful Links and Further Information
    20. Derriford Children's Cancer Service (DCCS)
      1. Our Services
      2. The DCCS Team
      3. Derriford Children's Cancer Service Contact Us
      4. Useful Links
      5. DCCS Charitable Fund
    21. Derriford Centre for Health and Wellbeing (DCHW)
      1. DCHW Contact Us
      2. Fitness: DCHW Memberships
      3. Fitness: Virtual studio
      4. Fitness: Class Timetable
      5. Food & Drink: The Lounge
    22. Dietetics
      1. Paediatric Dietitian
      2. Renal Dietitian
      3. Neurosciences Dietitian
      4. Gastroenterology Dietitian
      5. Diabetes Dietitian
      6. Oncology Dietitian
      7. Community Dietitian
      8. Training to become a dietitian
      9. Contact Dietetics
    23. Discharge Lounge
    24. Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT)
    25. Emergency Department
    26. Endocrinology and Diabetes
      1. Diabetes: Nursing Team
      2. Diabetes: Ante Natal Service
      3. Diabetes: Inpatient Service
      4. Diabetes: Preconception Care
      5. Diabetes: Education
      6. Diabetes: Preoperative Support
      7. Diabetes: Type 2 Diabetes
      8. Diabetes: Type 1 Diabetes
      9. Diabetes: Insulin Pumps
      10. Diabetes: Podiatry
      11. Diabetes: Outpatient Service
    27. Endoscopy
      1. Our Unit
      2. Endoscopy useful links
    28. Fertility (IVF)
    29. Gastroenterology
    30. General Surgery
    31. Children’s Psychological Health and Wellbeing
      1. Who is in the team?
      2. What we do
        1. Seeing a Clinical Psychologist at the CDC
        2. Seeing a CWP
        3. Seeing a Clinical Psychologist on CYPOD
          1. Tree of Life Group
      3. What happens at appointments?
      4. How do I see a Clinical Psychologist or CWP?
      5. Resources
        1. Anger resources
        2. Sensory needs resources
        3. Autism resources
        4. Anxiety resources
        5. Siblings resources
        6. Relaxation resources
        7. ADHD resources
        8. Attachment resources
      6. Contact Children’s Psychological Health and Wellbeing
    32. Gynaecology
      1. Cervical problems and colpsocopy
      2. Vulval skin problems
      3. Early pregnancy problems
      4. Vaginal bleeding
      5. Sexual health
      6. Pelvic pain and endometriosis
      7. Child and adolescent gynaecology
      8. Urogynaecology
      9. Premenstrual syndrome and menopause
      10. Fertility
    33. Gynaecology Cancer
      1. Specialist Team
      2. Gynae oncology CNS team
      3. The Colposcopy Department
      4. Supporting You
      5. Accommodation for Relatives
      6. Transport and Parking
      7. Financial Assistance
      8. Useful Contacts and Links
      9. Contact Gynaecology Cancer
      10. Patient Information Leaflets
    34. Haematology Unit
    35. Hand Surgery
      1. Our Team
      2. How to Refer
      3. Information Zone
      4. Hand Surgery Clinics
      5. Contact Hand Surgery
    36. Head and Neck Cancer
      1. Head and Neck Cancer Team
      2. What is Head and Neck Cancer?
      3. Our Services
      4. Macmillan Speech and Language Therapy
      5. Macmillan Dietitian
      6. Supporting You
      7. History of the Service
      8. Useful Links
      9. Transport and Parking
      10. Accommodation for Relatives
      11. Financial Assistance
    37. Covid rehabilitation
      1. Occupational Therapy
      2. Speech & Language Therapy
      3. Physiotherapy
      4. Dietetics
    38. Healthcare for the Elderly
    39. Healthy Bones
      1. Healthy Bones Team
      2. What is a DXA Scan?
      3. About Your Scan
      4. Mobile Scanning Services
      5. Support
      6. Contact Us
    40. Hepato Biliary Service
    41. Hip and Knee
      1. Our Team
      2. Orthopaedic Knee Service
        1. Recovering from an Arthroscopy
        2. Knee Cartilage
        3. Degenerative Meniscal Tears
        4. Traumatic Meniscal Tears
      3. Patient Information Videos
      4. Contact Hip and Knee
    42. Hip Fracture
      1. Hip Fracture Patient Information Films
      2. What is a fracture neck of femur?
      3. Benefits and Risks of Treatment Available
      4. Admission to Hospital
      5. Day of Surgery – Before Your Operation
      6. Day of Surgery – After Your Operation
      7. Day One After Operation Onwards
      8. Discharge from Hospital
      9. Hip Fracture Physiotherapy
      10. Contact Us
    43. Imaging
      1. Information for Dentists
      2. Our Services
      3. Meet the Team
      4. Information for GPs
      5. Contact Us
      6. Fluoroscopy
      7. Patient Information Leaflets
      8. How to find us
      9. Feedback
      10. MRI
        1. Information for referrers about MRI
    44. Internal medicine
    45. Infection Prevention and Management
      1. Contact Infection Prevention and Management
      2. Patient Safety
      3. Hand hygiene
      4. Infection Prevention and Management Reports
      5. Influenza
      6. C. difficile (Clostridioides difficile)
      7. ESBL (Extended-Spectrum Beta-Lactamases)
      8. MRSA (Meticillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus)
      9. Norovirus
      10. Fighting Infections Together
    46. Interventional Radiology
      1. Information for patients
      2. Patient information leaflets
      3. Patient FAQs
      4. How to find us
      5. Working with us
      6. Contact Interventional Radiology
    47. Learning Disability Service
      1. Paediatrics
      2. For Patients
      3. Easy read guides
      4. For Carers
      5. The Learning Disability Team
      6. Derriford User Group
      7. Useful Links
      8. Reports
    48. Maternity
      1. Midwifery Care in the Hospital
      2. Midwifery Care in the Community
      3. Midwife Booking
      4. Important information and leaflets
      5. Antenatal Care
        1. Antenatal Screening
        2. Fetal Medicine
      6. Your Pregnancy Health
      7. Your pelvic health
      8. Birth following Caesarean Section
      9. Homebirth
      10. Waterbirth
      11. Feeding your baby
      12. Transitional Care Ward
      13. Argyll Ward
      14. NICU
      15. Newborn Screening
      16. Devon Maternity and Neonatal Voices Partnership
      17. Birth Afterthoughts Service
      18. Maternity Friends and Family Test
    49. Maxillofacial Surgery
    50. Intensive Care Unit
      1. About the ICU
      2. The ICU Team
      3. Visiting on ICU
      4. Visitor Facilities
      5. Derriford's Secret Garden
      6. Contact ICU
      7. Call for Concern (Martha's Rule)
      8. ICU Useful Links
      9. ICU for Healthcare Professionals
      10. Spring Intensive Care Charity
      11. #RehabLegend
        1. #RehabLegend Patient Stories and Videos
        2. #RehabLegend Resources
        3. Delirium
          1. Delirium resources for patients
          2. Delirium resources for loved ones
          3. Delirium resources for clinicians
        4. ICU Rehab Championships
        5. Support #RehabLegend
        6. Get your #RehabLegend badges
        7. ICU Triathlon
        8. Useful links
    51. The Medical Assessment Unit (MAU)
    52. Medical SDEC (Same Day Emergency Care)
    53. Mount Gould Hospital
    54. Nephrology (Renal)
    55. Neurology
      1. Epilepsy
      2. Functional Neurological Disorder
      3. Parkinson’s Service
        1. Drug Treatments in Parkinson’s
        2. Parkinson's useful links and information
        3. Information for Healthcare Workers
          1. Insight PD
        4. What is Parkinson’s Home Based Care?
        5. Parkinsons: COVID-19 information
      4. Specialist Familial Nervous System Tumour Service
    56. Neurophysiology
    57. Neuropsychology
    58. Neurosurgery
      1. Spinal Surgery Service
      2. Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus (NPH)
      3. Neurosurgery Contacts
      4. Neuro-oncology
        1. Cancer Support
          1. Cancer Support Centres
          2. Children's Support
        2. Neuro-Oncology Patient Information Leaflets
        3. Brain Tumour Grades and Types
        4. Specialist Nurse/Key Worker Role
        5. Neuroscience Multidisciplinary Team (MDT)
    59. New endoscopy
      1. I am an endoscopy patient
        1. Share your feedback
        2. Patient testimonials
        3. Before your procedure
          1. Sedation and pain relief options
          2. Digestive tract preparation
          3. Pre-existing medical conditions
        4. After your procedure
        5. Procedures
      2. I am a Referring Clinician
      3. I am a carer or escort
      4. Endoscopy contact us
    60. NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit)
      1. About the Unit
      2. The Neonatal Team
      3. Visiting NICU
      4. Parent facilities
      5. Keep Me Close Appeal
      6. NICU: FAQs
      7. Contact the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
      8. vCreate Video Messaging Service
      9. NICU useful links
    61. Nuclear Medicine
      1. Meet the Team
    62. Occupational Health
    63. Occupational Therapy
      1. Out-patient Service
      2. Appointments
      3. Contact Information
    64. Healthcare Science and Technology
      1. Clinical Measurement & Innovation
        1. Innovation team
        2. Healthy Bones
        3. Physics Services
        4. Scientific Computing
      2. Clinical & Radiation Physics
      3. Clinical Engineering
        1. Working for CE
        2. History of Clinical Engineering
        3. Specialist Mechanical Workshop
          1. Who we are
          2. What we do
          3. Manual Wheelchairs
          4. How to find and contact us
          5. Mechanical Engineering: general help & guidelines
        4. About Us
        5. Our Services
          1. Innovation
          2. Services for Opticians
          3. Services for Dental Practices
          4. Services for GP Surgeries
          5. Services for Veterinary Practices
          6. Services for Care Homes and Hospices
          7. Hospital Services
        6. Our Clients
        7. Terms and Conditions
        8. Contact Clinical Engineering
      4. Radiotherapy Physics
      5. Sterilisation & Disinfection Unit
      6. Medical Devices Strategic Investment
      7. About us
      8. Working in partnership
      9. Contact Healthcare Science and Technology
    65. Oesophago-Gastric Surgery
      1. Oesophageal and Gastric Conditions
      2. Specialist Team
      3. Cancer Treatment Information Leaflets
      4. Our Wards and Outpatients
      5. Advice for Referrers
      6. Dietary Advice
      7. Supporting You
      8. Financial Assistance
      9. Transport and Parking
      10. Accommodation for Relatives
      11. Contact Oesophago-Gastric Surgery
      12. Feedback
      13. Helpful Links
    66. Vascular Access
    67. Ophthalmology (REI - Eye Services)
      1. REI Patient Information
      2. Plymouth Ocular Motor Unit (POMU)
        1. POMU Patient Information
    68. Orthodontics
    69. Paediatrics
      1. Paediatrics information leaflets
      2. Play Service
      3. Children’s and Young Peoples Outpatients Department
      4. Paediatric Physiotherapy
      5. The Paediatric Team
      6. Paediatrics dietitian team
      7. Safeguarding team
      8. Paediatric School Team
    70. Pain Management
      1. Where we are
      2. Pain Rehabilitation
      3. Specialist Services
      4. Body Reprogramming
        1. Body Reprogramming Resources
        2. Body Reprogramming for health professionals
      5. Pain Management Drugs and Procedures
      6. Our Specialist Team
      7. Useful Links
      8. Information for Healthcare Professionals
      9. Referral Process
    71. Palliative Care
    72. Pathology
      1. Welcome to the Pathology Service
      2. About the Pathology Department
      3. Departments
        1. Derriford Combined Laboratory
          1. Biochemistry
          2. Blood Bank
          3. Coagulation
          4. Haematology - Combined Lab
          5. Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics (H&I)
          6. Immunology Laboratory
          7. Molecular Biology
          8. Requesting and Reporting
        2. Cellular and Anatomical Pathology
          1. Anatomical Pathology (Mortuary)
          2. Centres Used For Referral
          3. Completing Request Forms
          4. Cytopathology
          5. Histopathology
          6. Neuropathology
          7. Out of Hours On-Call Service
          8. Cellular and Anatomical Pathology Test List
          9. Contact Cellular and Anatomical Pathology
        3. Microbiology
          1. Bacteriology
          2. Virology
          3. Out of Hours Microbiology Service
          4. Clinical & Infection Control Advice and Policies
      4. Services
        1. Data Protection Policy
        2. GP Info
        3. Pathology IT
        4. Pathology Test List
        5. Pathology User Survey
        6. Phlebotomy
        7. Point of Care Testing
        8. Quality Assurance
        9. Research and Development/Clinical Trials
      5. Contact Pathology
    73. Peninsula Liver & HPB Cancer Centre
      1. Liver and HPB Conditions
      2. Specialist Team
      3. Patient Information Leaflets
      4. Our Wards and Outpatients
      5. Dietary Advice
      6. Accommodation for Relatives
      7. Transport and Parking
      8. Contact the Liver and HPB Cancer Centre
      9. Helpful Links
      10. Financial Assistance
      11. Supporting You
      12. Advice for Referrers
      13. Publication and Research
      14. Patient Pathways
      15. Preparing for your operation
    74. Peninsula Trauma Centre
      1. PTC Patients and Carers
        1. PTC Patient Information Leaflets
      2. PTC Operational Policy
      3. PTC Injury Guidelines
      4. PTC Tactics, Techniques and Procedures
    75. Personalised Care for cancer patients
      1. LWBC Treatment Summary
      2. Holistic Needs Assessments (HNA)
      3. LWBC Health and Wellbeing Information and Events
      4. Cancer Care Review
    76. Pharmacy
      1. Your Medicines Matter
      2. General information about medication
      3. How we process your medication at discharge
      4. Recently discharged
      5. Our Strategy
      6. Our Training Programmes
      7. Current vacancies
      8. Research and Publications
      9. Staff recognition
      10. Senior Leadership Team
      11. Pharmacy News
      12. Contact Pharmacy
    77. Physiotherapy
      1. Paediatric Physiotherapy
      2. Information for Physios
      3. Hydrotherapy
      4. Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL)
      5. Appointments
      6. Contact Information
      7. Self-referral Info
      8. Self-referral Form
        1. Self-referral form Plymouth
        2. Self-referral form Tavistock
        3. Self-referral form Kingsbridge
      9. Useful Links
      10. Outpatient Physiotherapy
        1. Knee
        2. Acupuncture
        3. Foot and Ankle
        4. Vestibular Rehabilitation
        5. Ante-natal and Post-natal Physiotherapy
        6. Women's Health Physiotherapy
        7. Shoulder
        8. Neck Pain
        9. Outpatient Physiotherapy Sites
        10. Osteoarthritis
        11. First Contact Practitioners (FCP's)
      11. Patient Information
    78. Plastic Surgery
      1. Vascular birthmarks
      2. Breast Reconstruction surgery
      3. Paediatric plastic surgery
        1. Hypospadias
      4. Trauma
    79. Plymouth Dialysis Unit
      1. Holiday Dialysis
      2. Research and Clinical Trials
      3. Useful Links
    80. Plymouth Pelvic Floor Unit
    81. Primrose Breast Care Centre
      1. Meet the Primrose Breast Care team
      2. Breast Screening
      3. Breast Care Nursing and Support
      4. Be Breast Aware
      5. Breast Surgery
      6. Your Feedback
      7. Contact Primrose Breast Care Centre
      8. Healthcare Professionals
    82. Quality Academy
    83. Research and Development
      1. Our Research Team
      2. Locally Developed Research
      3. Research News
      4. Information for Researchers
        1. Research Templates
        2. Research Work Instructions
        3. Research Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
        4. Developing a Research Project
        5. Research Ethics Committee (REC)
        6. Information Governance in Research
        7. Registering Research on a Public Database
          1. Public Access Databases
        8. Human Tissue Act
        9. Our Research Partners
        10. UHP Research Strategy 2019-2024
        11. Innovation
          1. Plymouth Health Innovation Alliance
          2. Trust Innovation Group
          3. Intellectual Property
        12. Research breakfasts
        13. Research Bites
        14. Courses and Events
        15. Plymouth Joint Clinical Research Office (JCRO)
      5. Information for the Public
        1. Public involvement in research
        2. Participating in a Clinical Trial
        3. Privacy Notice for Research Patients
      6. Working for Research
      7. Information for Sponsors
        1. Our Research Performance
        2. Access to EHR Guidance
      8. Contact Research and Development
      9. Lind Research Centre
      10. Mobile Research Unit
    84. Restorative Dentistry
    85. Rheumatology
      1. Meet the Team
      2. Direct Access Service: Patients
      3. Direct Access Service: Health Professionals
      4. Patient Information
      5. Research
    86. Safeguarding
      1. Safeguarding Information for patients
      2. Safeguarding Useful Links
    87. Sarcoma
      1. Patient Information Leaflets
      2. What is Sarcoma?
      3. Sarcoma Team
      4. Diagnosing a Sarcoma
      5. Investigations
      6. Information for Clinicians
      7. Treatment
      8. Multi Disciplinary Clinic
      9. Patient Pathways
      10. Support
      11. Links
      12. Glossary of Terms
    88. Shoulder and Elbow Orthopaedic Service
      1. Our team
      2. Shoulder and Elbow Clinics
      3. Information Zone: Healthcare Professionals
      4. Information Zone: Patients
      5. How to refer
      6. Contact the Shoulder and Elbow Team
    89. Skin Cancer
      1. Skin Cancer Team
      2. Malignant Melanoma
      3. Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC)
      4. Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC)
      5. Wide Local Excision
      6. How to check your Lymph Nodes
      7. Pre-operative Assessment
      8. Skin Grafts for Skin Cancer
      9. Donor Sites
      10. Node Dissection
      11. Our Wards and Clinics
      12. Useful Contacts and Links
      13. Help with Finance
      14. Transport and Parking
    90. The South West Liver Unit
      1. Liver Unit Team
        1. Hepatology Pharmacist
        2. Hepatology Research Nurses
      2. Our Services
        1. Service description
        2. Performance
        3. Accommodation
        4. South West Liver Unit Outpatient Services
        5. Endoscopy
        6. Inpatient Wards
      3. Information for Patients
      4. Information for Clinicians and Partners
        1. Patient Pathways
        2. How to refer to the SWLU
      5. Research
        1. Current Open Research Trials
      6. Contact the South West Liver Unit
      7. South West Liver Buddies
    91. Speech and Language Therapy
      1. Inpatient Service
      2. Voice Clinic Services
      3. Head and Neck Cancer Macmillan Specialist SALT
      4. Speech and Language Therapy Stroke Services
      5. Fluoroswallow (previously Videofluoroscopy)
      6. Training to become a Speech and Language Therapist
      7. Contact Speech and Language Therapy
    92. Stone service
      1. The lithotripter
      2. Meet the Stone service team
      3. Advice sheets
      4. Contact Stone services
      5. Healthcare professionals
    93. Stroke Services
      1. Acute Stroke Unit
      2. Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) Clinics
      3. Stroke & TIA Team
      4. Early Supported Discharge Team
      5. Stroke FAQs
      6. Stroke Rehabilitation Unit
      7. Stroke Useful Links
      8. Information for patients
      9. Information for clinicians
        1. Reperfusion webinars
        2. Haemorrhagic stroke
    94. Teenage and Young Adult Cancer
      1. TYAC Care
      2. The Team
      3. Supporting You
      4. Useful Links
    95. Theatre Central
    96. Thoracic Surgery
      1. Our Thoracic Facilities
      2. Our Results
      3. Our Surgical Team and Ward Contact Details
    97. Thyroid and Endocrine Cancer
      1. Thyroid and Endocrine Cancers
      2. Thyroid Cancer Team
      3. Inpatient and Outpatient Care
      4. Useful Links
      5. Contact Thyroid and Endocrine Cancer
    98. Tissue Viability
      1. SSKIN
      2. What is a Pressure Ulcer?
    99. Trauma, Orthopaedics and Rheumatology
    100. Urgent Treatment Centre and Minor Injury Units
      1. Urgent Treatment Centre Plymouth
      2. Minor Injury Unit Kingsbridge
      3. Minor Injury Unit Tavistock
    101. Urology Cancer
      1. Our Services
      2. How to Refer
      3. Patient Support
    102. Mustard Tree
      1. Mustard Tree Services
        1. Mustard Tree: online appointment request
        2. Macmillan benefits advice appointment request
        3. Complimentary Therapy Referral
      2. Mustard Tree Staff
      3. Cancer Registration
      4. Exercise Opportunities
      5. Mustard Tree: Further cancer support
      6. MySunrise App
      7. Donations and fundraising
      8. Contact The Mustard Tree
    103. Vascular Surgery
      1. Vascular Assessment Unit
    104. Your SHiP (GU Medicine)
    105. Radiotherapy
      1. Radiotherapy Pre-Treatment
      2. Radiotherapy Treatment
      3. Site-Specific Patient Information
        1. Breast Radiotherapy
        2. Electron Beam Radiotherapy
        3. Gynaecological Brachytherapy
        4. Stereotactic Radiotherapy
        5. Prostate Radiotherapy Information
        6. Skin Care
    106. South West Transplant Centre
      1. About us
      2. Donating a kidney
      3. Assessment, consent and the transplant operation
      4. After your kidney transplant
      5. Affiliations and Contacts
      6. Patient experience
      7. Links
  9. Latest News

    1. Media Enquiries
  10. Stay Well

    1. My child is unwell
    2. Choose well (Pharmacy, GP, 111)
    3. What to do in an Emergency
    4. Are you visiting the area?
    5. When to attend an UTC or MIU
    6. Help with your mental health
    7. Flu and Covid Vaccinations
    8. Getting you home from hospital
  11. Contact Us

  12. Staff App

    1. Freedom to Speak Up Guardian
  13. Working for us

    1. Admin jobs
  14. About Us

    1. Urgent and Emergency Care - One Plan
    2. Trust Board
      1. Governance
      2. Board statement on racism and discrimination
      3. Trust Board Meetings and Papers
    3. Our Publications
      1. Annual Report 2023 - 2024 Summary
      2. Capital Programme 2023/24
      3. Expenditure over 25k
    4. Information Governance
      1. How the Trust manages your personal information
      2. Digital consent
      3. Peninsula Information Sharing Agreement (ISA)
      4. Freedom Of Information
        1. FOI Compliance Statistics
        2. FOI Disclosures 2024-25
        3. FOI Disclosures 2023-24
        4. FOI Disclosures 2022-23
        5. FOI Disclosures 2021-22
      5. Publication Scheme
        1. Standard Operating Procedures
        2. Trust Policies
      6. Corporate Services Information
        1. Pharmacy
        2. Recruitment and Agency
        3. Human Resources
        4. Digital & Innovation Services (D&I)
    5. Patient Safety Incident Response Framework (PSIRF)
      1. Patient safety incident response plan
    6. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI)
      1. Equality Diversity and Inclusion Strategy 2024-2028
      2. EDI Reports and Legal Frameworks
      3. Disability Confident Leader
      4. Let's Share Good Practice at UHP
    7. CQC
      1. CQC All Locations
    8. Building for the Future
      1. Disruptions on site
      2. Building for the Future News
    9. Sustainability
      1. Air quality
      2. Green Space
      3. Positively Green
    10. Sustainable Environment Group
    11. Peninsula Sub Regional Immunoglobulin Advisory Panel (SRIAP)
    12. Healthy Lives Partnership
      1. Healthy Lives Partnership - Spring 2024 Update
    13. Armed Forces Community at UHP
    14. Primary Care Directory of Services for Plymouth

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