#RehabLegend - Useful links
Critical Care Recovery Designed to support patients and families in and after Intensive Care Website www.criticalcarerecovery.com |
ICUsteps Founded by ex-ICU patients, their relatives and ICU staff to support patients and families through the long road to recovery from critical illness. Website www.icusteps.org |
ICU Delirium Designed to help understand the problems that critically ill patients experience Website www.icudelirium.org |
Macmillan Support and advice designed to support people affected by cancer Website www.macmillan.org.uk Telephone 0808 808 0000 |
Spinal Injuries Association Charity designed to help people with or affected by a Spinal Cord Injury Website www.spinal.co.uk Telephone 0800 980 0501 |
Samaritans Offer a safe place to talk any time you like, in your own way about whatever’s getting to you. Website www.samaritans.org Telephone 116 123 |
Headway A charity that works to improve life after brain injury Website www.headway.org.uk Telephone 0808 800 2244 |
Stroke Association Providing help after a stroke Website www.stroke.org.uk Telephone 0845 3033 100 |
Mayo Clinic - online support group for ICU patients Website https://connect.mayoclinic.org/group/intensive-care-icu/ |
criticalcarerecovery COVID criticalcarerecovery: https://covid19.criticalcarerecovery.com/ |