About the ICU

Dialysis Machine Intensive care bed space and ventilator.

The Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is comprised of two adjoining wards: Penrose and Pencarrow. They can be found on L4 of the Terrance Lewis building. Access can be found via: 

Level 6 Main Concourse,  

Level 5 Maternity Reception,

Level 3 beside the Discharge Lounge.

Pencarrow (Neurosurgical ICU) can admit up to 10 patients. Patients are usually admitted if they have suffered a head / spinal injury or undergone a major neurosurgical procedure.

Penrose (General ICU) can admit up to 18 patients. Most patients with emergency medical or general surgical problems will be admitted to Penrose ward.


Medications Close up of a dialysis machine

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