Getting you home from hospital

No Place Like Home

We have launched the 'No Place Like Home' campaign to ease winter pressure and optimise hospital bed utilisation use for those in urgent need. 

The key objective of the campaign is to support patients to get safely home more quickly. It is hoped the campaign will support patients in accelerated recovery, as patients heal faster in the familiarity of their own homes.

The comfort of familiar surroundings and personal belongings, and being back with family and loved ones, even pets and their own food, as well quality sleep in their own bed, all contribute to a more comfortable and supportive environment. 


Think home first

When you’ve had all the care that you need to get you over the acute part of your illness, going home is where you’re going to get better faster.

You should only be in hospital if it is medically necessary. There is significant evidence that home is the best place for most people to improve their wellbeing, independence and recover faster where possible.

Planning together from the get-go

Our top priority is to help you get better and support you to leave hospital when the time is right. You will only leave when you no longer need hospital care and it is safe to do so.

We will work with you to start planning right away to ensure you leave the hospital in a safe and timely manner.

In most cases your will return home. You might need some additional care to help you in your recovery, or practical support such as help with shopping.

What you can expect:

  • Early conversations – soon after you are admitted to hospital, either through the emergency department or via planned admission routes, we will discuss and plan how you will be able to leave. We will involve your family, carers and/or friends in conversations if you wish.
  • Expected date of discharge (EDD) – soon after you arrive in hospital you will be given an EDD, the expected date you will leave hospital, this will be reviewed throughout your stay.

The Discharge Lounge - making life better for patients

Our Discharge Lounge helps us to better support patients who are ready to be discharged, making things more convenient and comfortable for them. Situated at the rear of the Derriford Site with an outdoor area, the Discharge Lounge offers a restful environment for patients who are waiting to go home. There’s comfortable seating and support available.

Staffed by registered nurses, the Discharge Lounge team care for patients as they wait to be discharged, checking that they receive their medication, ordering transport and contacting their family, friends or carer.

The feedback from patients who have used the Discharge Lounge has been very positive, with one saying “It’s a good system to free up beds, and I’m happy to be off the ward. It’s good because it prepares you for the real world again, if you’ve been in the hospital for some time.”

Your checklist for discharge

  • Will someone pick you up or meet you at home?
  • Are your ongoing care arrangements in place?
  • Do you have suitable outdoor clothing and shoes to wear?
  • Do you have any medical certificates you may need?
  • Do you have your hospital discharge letter for your GP?
  • Do you have your medication ready to take home?
  • Do you understand how and when to take your medication?
  • Do you have your house keys and personal belongings?

Getting you home for lunch

Man with bag and clock

No one wants to be in hospital for longer than they need to be, and we want to ensure you can leave hospital in a timely, comfortable and well-planned way.

Once you are well enough, the best place for you to recover is in the comfort of your own home.

We will always try to get you home or transferred to our discharge lounge before lunchtime.

Getting you home for lunch:

  • improves your experience and means you feel more awake at the time of discharge
  • reduces unnecessary delays
  • is safer and more convenient for patients/families/carers
  • improves your access other services if required (e.g. pharmacies / shops)
  • helps us accommodate new patients who need to be admitted from the Emergency Department
  • Reduces ambulances waits

Getting your loved one home for lunch

If your loved one is ready to leave hospital, your support can help them return home and stay well.

Helping your loved one to return home will help us care for those people who are acutely unwell. Simple arrangements such as checking in, helping with meals and supporting with daily tasks mean that people can get home more quickly and will be supported to stay well.

Checklist for getting someone home from hospital

  • Is there somewhere clean and comfortable for them to recover?
  • Do they have clean clothes to come home in?
  • Is there lunch and dinner for their first day home?
  • Do they need any essentials such as food, drink or medicines?
  • During winter months consider switching on heating so they won’t be too cold.
  • If you’re driving, make sure you have checked the route and where to park. Find out about parking at Derriford Hospital here.

The discharge lounge is opposite 'Small Car Park D', a dedicated car park with five spaces. Please collect your permit from the lounge and you can park for 20 minutes. 

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