Welcome to the Plymouth Hospitals Trust webpage for Learning Disabilities. On this site you will find information for Patients, Carers and Staff as well as information about the Learning Disabilities Team at Derriford and some useful links.

All people with a learning disability have an equal right to healthcare.
All healthcare professionals have a duty to make reasonable adjustments to the treatment they provide to people with a learning disability.
All healthcare professionals should provide a high standard of care and treatment and value the lives of people with a learning disability.
By signing this charter, we pledge to:
- make sure that hospital passports are available and used
- make sure that all our staff understand and apply the principles of mental capacity laws
- appoint a learning disability liaison nurse in our hospital(s)
- make sure every eligible person with a learning disability can have an annual health check
- provide ongoing learning disability awareness training for all staff
- listen to, respect and involve families and carers
- provide practical support and information to families and carers
- provide information that is accessible for people with a learning disability
- display the Getting it right principles for everyone to see