
The Learning Disability Team and Autism Service are currently covering paediatrics as part of a pilot, the pilot is running until the end of June 2021, and we are hoping that it will be made permanent, updates will be posted on the website and on our social media forums:

Autism Service Facebook & Twitter

Learning Disability Facebook & Twitter

We invite you to make use of the resources available on this page and we are happy to be contacted if you require advice or to clarify anything related to the hospital including (but not limited to) reasonable adjustments, appointments, alerting on the hospital systems and transition into adult services.


Contact Details

Learning Disability Liaison Service


Telephone: 01752 431566 


Derriford Autism Service


Telephone: 01752 4(32134)


Resources for children with additional needs

We recommend that you fill in the paediatric hospital passport and the reasonable adjustment requests form for your child. 

Once completed, please bring them with you to any visits to the hospital. The information in the documents will aid staff to put reasonable adjustments in place to help improve your childs hospital experience. We are unable to guarantee that all requests will be met but appropriate consideration will be made. 

Click the images to download the PDF's. If you would like the Microsoft Word versions please click these links: Paediatric Hospital PassportReasonable Adjustment Requests Form.

Paediatric Hospital Passport    Paediatric Reasonable Adjustment Requests Form   

Useful Links

Ambitious About Autism - Early Years

Ambitious About Autism - Parent Toolkits

Down's Syndome Association - For families and carers

Fledglings - Advice

Great Ormond Street Hospital for children - Easy Read Guides 

Mencap - Learning Disabilities

Mencap - Global Developmental Delay 

National Autistic Society

National Autistic Society - Parents/carers

NHS - Learning Disabilities (Children and young people)

NHS - Learning Disabilities 

NHS - Help for parents and families of Autistic children

NHS - Accessible toys, play and learning 

Parent/Carers Cornwall 

Plymouth Information and Support Service for SEND

Resources for Autism 


Child Development Centre (Plymouth)


Child Development Centre - Resources

Telephone:  01752 439400




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