Useful Links
- Coronavirus Hospital Passport
- Coronavirus Guidance for patients with a Learning Disability
- Books Beyond Words - Coping with Coronavirus
Local links - Plymouth:
Local links - Cornwall:
Hospital Passports
The National Autistic Society have made hospital passports which can be used by people who are on the autistic spectrum.
- Confidential Inquiry into premature deaths of people with learning disabilities
- Mencap - 74 Deaths and Counting
- Mencap - Treat me well campaign
- Six Lives Report
- Death by Indifference
- The Mental Capacity Act
- NHS Long Term Plan - Overview and summary
Useful Information
- A guide to Communicating with people with profound and multiple learning difficulties
- Learning from the past - Setting out the future - The Royal College of Nursing statement on the role of the Learning Disability Nurse
- Definition of a learning disability
- Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy (IMCA) Overview
- Guidance for people who commission or produce Easy Read
- Link Nurses
- Roles and Responsibilities of the Link Nurse