Hepato Biliary Service

Services provided include the Medical and Surgical management of Hepato Biliary disease and trauma involving adults and advice and continuing support for patients following diagnosis of benign and malignant disease. Treatment will be provided to the adult population; children will be treated using strict guidance from the Regional Paediatric surgical service and under the guidance of the local Paediatric team.

In keeping with national guidelines Derriford Hospital has been designated as the cancer centre for pancreatic malignancy in the Peninsula since April 2006 and is also designated by the Peninsula Cancer Network as the regional centre for liver resection. Patients requiring liver or pancreatic resections are referred from five sites in the Peninsula; Plymouth, Truro, Exeter, Torbay and Barnstaple, although the service is still expanding in terms of its size and referral base.

The HPB unit forms part of the Hepatology (The Southwest Liver Unit). Close links with medical hepatology has lead to a large referral base for the treatment of hepatoma. The unit also has a large practice in resection of colorectal metastases and biliary malignancy, due to a high incidence in the southwest population. The HPB service is also involved in the provision of secondary and benign surgical services, including hernia and gallbladder surgery.

The HPB service has a full range of theatre equipment necessary for liver surgery including intra-operative ultrasound and a CUSA dissector and is currently developing techniques in laparoscopic liver surgery. The unit provide treatment to patients 24 hours per day, seven days per week.

Healthy diet for gallstones leaflet [pdf] 339KB

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