Positively Green

Plastic theatres go green

Natalie, one of UHP’s Consultant Anaesthetists and Sustainability Lead for Theatres, has been working alongside the Sustainability team, Irene and JP from the Plastic Theatres team and others to reduce the impact that theatres 14 and 15 have on the environment. 

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Site Services Team Spruces Up Pond

For October’s Wider Management Team meeting, Site Services decided to renovate the pond between the DCHW and the PGMC not only to improve the space, but to give our staff some respite from the office and the daily grind. Overgrown brambles, weeds and an inaccessible path made this space unattractive and underused- that was of course until we worked together to spruce it up!

Read " Site Services Team Spruces Up Pond…"

Pencarrow Aces Recycling

Carly, a nurse on Pencarrow ward, has been a recycling champion for around 8 years- this sustained effort is born out of a real drive to do her bit to lessen UHP’s impact on the environment. If every department had a Carly, we’d be on our way to our sustainability goals in no time!

Read " Pencarrow Aces Recycling…"
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