Our Trust Board

The Board of Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust is a statutory body appointed by the Secretary of State for Health and is responsible for running the Trust’s hospitals in line with Department of Health policy and relevant legislation.

The Trust Board manages the overall direction and aims for the Trust and controls the organisation in the public’s interest, ensuring accountability to the public.

The Board currently has eleven voting members – the Chairman, the Chief Executive, four executive directors and five part-time non-executive directors. 

To download Trust Board papers please visit the Trust Board Meetings and Papers page

To view Trust Board Members' declarations of interest, please see the Governance page

Our Trust Board members and senior management team can be contacted via email:


Trust Board Members

Executive Directors

Mark Hackett, Interim Chief Executive
Mark Hamilton, Medical Director
Darryn Allcorn, Chief Nurse and Director of Integrated Clinical Professions
Sarah Brampton, Chief Finance Officer
Steven Keith, Director of People
Jo Beer, Chief Operating Officer
Stuart Windsor, Future Hospital Director
Rachel O’Connor, Director of Integrated Care, Partnerships and Strategy

Non Executive Directors

James Brent - Chairman
Valerie Lee, Non Executive Director
Alastair Camp, Non Executive Director
Laura Bowater, Non Executive Director
Dame Angela Pedder, Non Executive Director
Nick Ball, Non Executive Director/a>
Dr Helen Smith, Non-Executive Director
Prof. Arunangsu Chatterjee, Non-Executive Director
Jabo Butera, Associate Non-Executive Director
Dr Mohana Maddula, Associate Non-Executive Director

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