The Peninsula Subregional Immunoglobulin Advisory Panel (SRIAP)
Peninsula Sub Regional Immunoglobulin Advisory Panel (SRIAP)
A network of Sub Regional Advisory Panels (SRIAPs) was created by NHS England in 2018 to manage immunoglobulin usage by ensuring it is only used in accordance with national guidelines, as developed by an expert consensus group drawn from across the UK.
The Peninsula SRIAP was set up to cover the activity of the five NHS Trusts across Devon and Cornwall. The panel membership was drawn from across the five Trusts in the peninsula. All treatment with immunoglobulins is subject to review or authorisation by the Panel.
Trusts signed up to oversight by the Peninsula SRIAP are:
- North Devon District Trust
- Royal Devon and Exeter Foundation Trust
- Torbay And South Devon Trust
- University Hospital Plymouth Trust
- Royal Cornwall Hospitals Trust.
The panel meets every two weeks and consists of a Panel Chair, NHS England Commissioner, Neurologist, Immunologist, Haematologist, Specialist Immunology Nurse, SRIAP Data Performance Manager, also Pharmacists and Blood Bank Managers from respective Trusts.
Clinical Requests
Applications for treatment with immunoglobulin require a completed Immunoglobulin Clinical Approval Request form prior to treatment (funding authorisation, depending on the condition to be treated). Completed form needs to be submitted no later than 6 days prior to next scheduled panel meeting.
Short term form (1).docx[docx] 31KB
Replacement long term application form (2).docx[docx] 41KB
Immunomodulation long term application form (3).docx[docx] 42KB
Replacement review form (4).docx[docx] 35KB
Immunomodulation review form (5).docx[docx] 33KB
ID02011 Referral form - Subcutaneous Immunoglobulin (SCIg) Home Therapy training.pdf[pdf] 183KB
Clinical commissioning policy for the use of therapeutic immunoglobulin (Ig) England (2024)