Child and adolescent gynaecology

Our younger patients up to the age of 16 are seen on level 12 in the Children & Young People’s Outpatient Department with inpatient care provided on Wildgoose Ward. Occasionally adolescents up to the age of 18 are seen in Children & Young People’s Outpatient Department if it is thought to be beneficial for them to be in these potentially more familiar and non-threatening surroundings.

This clinic is a multidisciplinary clinic with gynaecologists, paediatricians and a specialist nurse. During the appointment you often will be seen by the team rather than just one doctor in a friendly and supportive environment. We generally do not need to examine many young women.

We see children/young people with gynaecological conditions including:

  • Menstrual disorders
  • Vaginal Discharge
  • Pre-pubertal bleeding
  • Vulval disorders
  • Ovarian disorders
  • Sexual development disorders.

Key Staff:

Dr R Marshall-Roberts: Consultant Gynaecologist

Dr R Shrestha: Consultant Gynaecologist

Dr G Selby: Consultant Paediatrician

Dr T Aung: Consultant Paediatrician

Dr Alins-Sahun: Consultant Paediatrician



Patient information leaflets:



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