Mobile Research Unit

We recognise that patients and their carers, particularly in the current climate, are often reluctant to come to an acute setting unless it is strictly necessary.

From our recent survey of research participants, exploring research engagement, responses were heavily weighted towards us taking research out to the patient rather than vice versa.  We also understand that patients may be identified as eligible for a study in the acute setting but follow up could be done in the primary care/community setting.

The aims of the project are:

  • extend the hand of research to the wider population to improve patient care and supporting the integrated care pathway.
  • Take research to the patient rather than the other way round
  • signpost research opportunities particularly towards underserved communities
  • help facilitate research engagement by providing our experienced workforce both for study setup and delivery
  • Provide mobile clinic space, under UHP governance to provide both increased capacity and reduce pressure on already limited primary care accommodation
  • To support the growth and delivery of research within the primary care setting.


If you have any questions, please contact the team on or call them on 01752 432849


Start Of The Mobile Research Unit Project

Mobile research unit front view Mobile research unit back view

Mobile research unite top view


28/06/2022 - Mobile Research Units Starting To Take Shape

MRU - front view  MRU - side view

MRU - back view  MRU - side view with signage


05/07/2022 - Delivery of one of our Mobile Research Unit

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