Urgent Care Waiting Times

Patients with life-threatening or serious conditions should go to the Emergency Department. 

95% of our patients are seen within the waiting times shown for our emergency department.

The Minor Injury Unit is an alternative when an injury is not considered life-threatening, but still requires urgent treatment. They can see a range of minor injuries and minor illnesses.

NHS Quicker

NHS Quicker The app which helps you spend less time waiting for treatment for a minor injury or illness

NHSquicker is a free app which provides live waiting and travel times for NHS services providing urgent care across Devon and Cornwall. NHSquicker provides information about the healthcare services available to you based on your location, helping you to choose the right service and spend less time waiting. 

The combined travel and waiting times estimate how long it will take you to be seen by each service. Emergency departments are often busy, and for a minor injury, you could be seen quicker elsewhere.

Please remember to always ring 999 in a life-threatening emergency.

You can also use the app to find information about minor injuries units, emergency departments, pharmacies, dentists, opticians, sexual health and GP surgeries.

If you are not sure where to go, you can dial 111 and they will direct you to the most appropriate place for your needs. 

The information feed is provided by Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust, Northern Devon Healthcare NHS Trust (NDHT), Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust (RCHT), Royal Devon & Exeter NHS Foundation Trust (RD&E), South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust (SWASFT), Torbay & South Devon NHS Foundation Trust (TSDFT) and Claremont Medical Practice.

To download the app on Android.

To download the app on Apple.

You can also view the app through your web browser at www.nhsquicker.co.uk.

Emergency Department

Emergency Department

ED Waiting Times

Last updated:

    1. Current longest waiting time to see a doctor

    1. Current number of patients waiting to be seen

    1. Total number of patients in the department



Last updated:

    1. Current longest waiting time to see a MIU practitioner

    1. Current number of patients waiting to be seen

    1. Total number of patients in the department



Last updated:

    1. Current longest waiting time to see a MIU practitioner

    1. Current number of patients waiting to be seen

    1. Total number of patients in the department



Last updated:

    1. Current longest waiting time to see a MIU practitioner

    1. Current number of patients waiting to be seen

    1. Total number of patients in the department


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