Seeing a Psychologist at the CDC

What we do

The Paediatric Clinical psychology service at the CDC, is a specialised mental health service for children, young people and their families who are experiencing significant emotional, behavioural and psychological distress specifically linked to their neurodivergence (Autism, ADHD, Mild to Moderate Learning Differences) or neuromuscular condition. Significant means that the distress is impacting on several areas of their lives; for example at home, at school/college, and in their wider social life.

We provide short-term, intensive and highly specialised psychological support both face to face at the Child Development Centre or online via our Attend Anywhere platform.  Willl will discuss what will be most suitable for you during your initial contact with the team.

Some of the areas we may support include:

  • Support with managing difficult feelings like anxiety, anger and sadness
  • Understanding differences due to Neurodivergence or Neuromuscular conditions
  • Supporting caregivers to understand the needs behind and to positively support, distressed behaviour from their child or young person
  • Providing group based interventions such as Circle of Security, Mindfulness for Young ADHDers, Parent group for understanding anxiety
  • Be part of the MultidisciplinaryTeam assessment process for Autism in early years and school age pathways

How to access support

Our referrals come from members of the Paediatric service; these could be Consultant Paediatricians, other specialist consultants or specialist nurses. We do not accept referrals directly from families or from GPs so if you have a concern that you think we can help with, please speak to the clinician holding your care in the first instance.


We have created several resources which you might find helpful here:

Signposting Padlet  

Regularly updated and has links to a variety of resources and support services including: crisis numbers, parenting, teenagers, self-harm, financial and housing, bullying, gender and sexuality, siblings, young carers, mental health services, sleep, screens, internet and media, continence, domestic abuse, school refusal, parental conflict/separation, bereavement, neurodiversity, Tourette’s/tics, leisure and wellbeing, sensory processing, service families, dieting and eating, self-esteem, counselling

Anxiety Padlet  

Regularly updated with helpful videos, book recommendations and resources about anxiety

Self-Harm resources 

Regularly updated with book and app recommendations and links to free online group for young people, crisis numbers

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