Meet the Team


Miss Stephanie Jenkins

Mr Saed Ramzi

Miss Maria Verroiotou 

Miss Lisa Sheehan

Mr John Dickson (Plastic Surgeon)

Mr Rishabha Sharma (Locum)


Physician Associates

Dominic Clark

Chrystal Jumbo



Dr Sarah Doyle 

Dr Karen Paisley

Dr Nicholas Carter

Dr Erika Toth

Dr Matthew Thorley 


Consultant Radiographer

Miss Jen Taper


Specialist Doctor

Dr Olubukola Omidiji


Breast Imaging Fellow

Dr Wesam Rjoop


Lead Radiographer 

Diana Nicholson

Deputy Lead Radiographers

Susan Haly and Leena Bhatti (QA Lead)


Breast Screening Programme Manager

Frances Kinsman

Office Manager and Quality Management System Manager

SarahJane Wadge


Surgery Admin Manager

Sharon Cox


Breast Service Line Manager

Mechelle Rowe


Advanced Practitioner Mammographers, Mammographers, Assistant Practitioners and Radiographic Helpers

We have a team of female staff trained in breast x-ray and other specialist breast imaging and procedures. 

Advanced Practitioners: Louise Cann (Film Reader), Julie Bramwell (Film Reader), Kay O’Brien (Stereo Biopsy Procedures), Karen Bates, Leena Bhatti (trainee)

Mammographers: Hannah Crocker, Lucille Richmond, Nino Notatze, Raquel Barbon, Emelda Obongha, Georgie Rayfield

Assistant Practitioners: Theresa Williams, Anna Lamb, Evelyn Burman, Daniela Puricel

Trainee Mammographers: Jessica Solomon

Radiographic Helpers: Andrea Parsons, Roberta Richardson, Lorraine Miller

Team picture of mammographers in Primrose Breast Care Centre waiting room


Breast Care Nurse Team

Nurse Consultant/ Lead Nurse: Kate Lansdell

Screening Nurse Specialist: Kayleigh Davenport

Breast Surgery Nurse Specialists: Sarah Laine, Gemma Pooley, Beth Every-Clayton, Vanessa Lancaster (Surgical Practitioner)

Reconstruction Nurse Specialists: Sue Parker

Advanced Clinical Practitioners: Katie Hill

Breast Oncology Nurse Specialists: Cathy Herd, Kara Williams (Support Worker)

Psychologist: Katie Sleep

Health Care Assistants: Carolyn Stockley and Donna Tattersall

Breast Pathway Navigator: Annemarie Oakley


Family History Clinic Team

Jen Taper, Sarah Laine, Dr Nick Carter


Breast Pain Clinic Team

Kate Lansdell, Beth Every-Clayton, Chrystal Jumbo



Our work would not be possible without a dedicated team of Medical Secretaries, Appointments Clerks and Office Staff who keep the unit running smoothly. 

Screening Secretaries: Sally Penney, Beth Bradley

Surgical Secretaries: Debbie Ellis, Jennifer Squire, Lauren Grenney, Emma Blackford (Support)

Screening Admin Team: Hayley Eveleigh, Mary Vine, Isla Jones, Macey McGarry

Receptionist: Sherri Jones


The Multidisciplinary Team

There is a team involved in your care which meets weekly to review cases and plan treatment. The team includes histopathologists, oncologists, radiographers, clinical trial nurses as well as the Primrose clinical staff. 


Medical Students

We help to train medical students, juniors and radiology registrars. Sometimes students will be working with us. If you are willing to see the student it will help their training. You do not need to see the student if you do not wish to. 

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