Facilities at Derriford Hospital
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Information and help
Reception Desk
For general information such as directions to wards and departments or visiting times. The desk is close to the main entrance.
Parking Desk
For all enquiries relating to car parking. The desk is close to the main entrance.
Welcome Hub
Offers on-the-spot advice and information services to patients, relatives and carers. Located on Level 6, not far from the main entrance.
Open: Monday to Friday 9:30am to 12:30pm and 1pm to 4:30pm
The centre is staffed by
No Smoking site
University Hospitals Plymouth Trust (UHP) operates a smoke-free policy, supporting smokers to stop smoking and to protect staff, patients and visitors from second hand smoke.
All our sites are non-smoking so that anyone on Trust premises will not be exposed to passive smoking. This is in line with NHS-wide policy.
We hope you will respect this policy by not smoking. We ask all our visitors to refrain from smoking while here or leave the site to smoke.
Help and support for smokers
Being ‘smoke free’ prior to any treatment improves recovery and reduces the risk of complications. If you are a smoker, we have various forms of nicotine replacement therapy available to you while in hospital. You might also want to consider quitting smoking before you come into hospital.
You can get free advice and support to quit by contacting your local stop smoking service.
E-cigarettes (Vaping)
The Trust does not encourage the use of e-cigarettes but acknowledges their potential to help people quit smoking. The use of e-cigarettes is therefore permitted on UHP sites, but must not be:
Used within the buildings or by any entrances or open windows to our buildings.
Charged, or their batteries charged within any of the Trust’s buildings.
Boots offer a patient pharmacy service at Derriford Hospital. You can collect hospital prescriptions on site or from a number of Boots stores. You will also find over the counter medicines and toiletry products.
Find out about Boots pharmacy.
Free Wi-Fi
Free wireless internet services are available for patients, visitors and guests at Derriford Hospital.
To connect to NHS Wi-Fi for the first time:
Search for available Wi-Fi networks on your device
Select NHS Wi-Fi
Click connect
Fill out the registration page
Once registered your device should automatically connect to the Wi-Fi network where available.
General Facilities
Public Toilets
The toilets, close to the main entrance, include baby changing facilities.
Cash machine
By the first set of doors at the main entrance and on Level 7 by the restaurant.
Freephone for taxi service
24hr on demand taxi service to the hospital. In the main entrance, near the reception and parking desk.
Post Box
The post box is in the main entrance, by the door. Collections are at 5pm Monday to Friday and at 11:30am on Saturday.
Photo Booth
A self-service Photo-Me® photo booth is available on the concourse, providing a useful service for passport photos, driving licence photos, railcards and Student IDs.