Visiting a patient

We actively encourage visiting and the involvement of visitors and carers while patients are in hospital. Keeping contact with friends and relatives is an important part of a patient’s treatment, care and recovery.

There are many ways in which visitors can be involved, such as helping at meal times, and we are happy to support visitors to do so, if that is the patient’s wish.

When to visit

There are different times you can visit, depending on the needs of the patients. Find out the visiting hours for each ward on our Ward visiting times page.

Visiting Patients

Visiting times may be extended for compassionate reasons, or restricted if this is appropriate for the patient’s needs. If you have a problem visiting within these times, please ask one of the nurses who will make arrangements to suit your needs.

Patients may become tired and need to rest. Please remember that other patients may wish to rest or sleep during visiting hours

We have a policy of “zero tolerance” to violence and abuse and anyone behaving inappropriately will be asked to leave the premises.

If you need to contact the ward, you can find telephone numbers on our Ward contacts page.

When not to visit

If you are not feeling well, or have been exposed to any infection. Symptoms such as coughs, flu, nausea or vomiting and diarrhoea can easily spread to vulnerable patients and make their condition worse.  If you have symptoms of diarrhoea or sickness please do not visit the hospital until you have been feeling better for 48 hours.

If the hospital is experiencing difficulties with an outbreak of infection please do not bring young children or frail, elderly visitors. (They may be at risk from the infection)

Hand Hygiene

Please take note of the advice regarding hand hygiene, which is displayed throughout wards and departments.

Hand gel is available outside all wards for everyone to use. Please help to minimise the risk of infection by using this. If the container is empty please tell a member of staff.


Please ask nursing staff before bringing flowers onto the ward. Flower water can carry an infection risk to patients who are susceptible.  Flowers can also cause allergic reactions for some patients.

Hospital environment

We are committed to maintaining a comfortable environment for patients, visitors and staff. When you leave the hospital please ensure you take your belongings with you and place your rubbish in an appropriate place.  If you visit an area where the standard of cleanliness is not what you expect, please tell a member of staff.

Family Link Volunteer Service

We have a Family Link service that helps patients and families make video calls to one another during their stay. Our call times are 10:30 am, 1:30pm and 3:30pm Monday to Friday.  We require an email address and a contact number from the family member or friend so we can send them the video link and contact them with any queries. We also require the patient’s name and the ward they are staying on. 

To book please email: and we will arrange for the call to be set up.

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