Fertility Services

Fertility Services, previously undertaken at the Centre for Reproduction & Gynaecology Wales and the West (CRGW), transferred to University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust (UHP) on Monday 16 November 2020. 

IVF treatment continues at CRGW. All patients currently waiting to attend as an outpatient will be contacted in due course by UHP with a new appointment date. For any appointment booking enquiries, or any other administrative query, please contact 01752 431598.


Frequently asked questions

Why is the service moving back to Derriford?

CRGW will continue to be the provider for NHS funded IVF but has decided to stop providing fertility services at the end of the contract period.


What will happen next?

Our Doctors are currently reviewing all patients who have had appointments cancelled during the transfer process to University Hospitals Plymouth for their fertility assessment and treatment. Following this review, all patients will be contacted with a view to arranging a telephone consultation in the near future.


What will happen at the telephone or video consultation?

We will assess what stage you are in your treatment and agree the next steps with you, whether that involves continuing with your treatment, referring you to CRGW for IVF, or discharging you, if appropriate.

Will I be treated by specialist staff?  

Our Fertility Consultant will be supported by an additional Nurse Specialist who will run clinics and support scanning and other treatments. We will continue to work closely with CRGW, who will also provide some Consultant support to the endocrine clinics and some specialist procedures.


Will there be enough clinic capacity to deal with a backlog of delays caused by coronavirus?

We are confident that we have enough capacity to deal with both the referrals being transferred, and also any new referrals.


Will the service be disrupted again by COVID as it is now on the main Derriford site?

During the second wave of Covid, more activity has been delivered remotely, but patients who need to come in to be seen have continued to do so during this period so we don’t expect to have any adverse impact to the service during any future COVID escalation periods.


Who can I contact with questions or problems?
If you have any administrative queries while you are awaiting your initial discussion with one of our Doctors please contact 01752 431598.

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