Acupuncture In Physiotherapy
Acupuncture may be offered to you as part of your course of physiotherapy. Alongside other physiotherapy treatment such as exercises, rehabilitation and joint mobilisation, acupuncture can be a helpful tool to return you to good health and function.
National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) guidelines and research currently support the effectiveness of acupuncture for pain relief and so it is used nationally by therapists as part of a holistic treatment plan, alongside exercise prescription and other treatment modalities. All therapists practicing acupuncture have a BSc in Physiotherapy, plus additional Postgraduate Foundation in Western Medical Acupuncture (AACP).
Usefull Information and Links
For more information please find some useful links below:
Why an acupuncture physiotherapist? - AACP
Acupuncture leaflet.pdf [pdf] 110KB