Birth following Caesarean Section
If you have had a previous caesarean section, your midwife will refer you for consultant led care. The majority of your antenatal appointments will be with your community midwife, however, you will be invited to come to the hospital antenatal clinic when you are about 20 weeks pregnant, to discuss your options for birth and make a plan of care.If you have had one previous caesarean, but are otherwise low-risk, you will be seen by a specialist midwife.
‘Preparation for Birth Following Caesarean Section’ workshops
For those planning a vaginal birth (VBAC) this time or if you are undecided and want to find out more, we also run a monthly evening workshop for women who have had a previous caesarean and their birth partners.
This one-off workshop is facilitated by midwives who are experienced in caring for women who choose to have a VBAC. It is designed to help you feel more prepared for your labour and birth and is a great opportunity to talk to other couples who have also experienced a previous caesarean birth.