Newborn Screening

Newborn Blood Spot Test

The newborn blood spot test is ideally taken by the midwife when your baby is five days old. The test involves a small heel prick to draw a blood sample. Normally this will be completed at the first attempt, but on rare occasions we might need to repeat the heel prick in order to ensure quality of the sample.

Newborn Examination

The initial newborn examination should be completed before your baby is 72 hours old. If you are worried this is not completed on time, please call 01752 517888.

Newborn Hearing Test

The Hearing test is usually performed by the Health Visitor; however, if your baby is being cared for in the Neonatal Unit, it is likely to be performed before the baby is discharged home.

Screening Information

Cartoon character in a waiting room More information about the screening test is available at Screening tests for you and your baby.

Information which is specific to screening of premature babies.

Contact details for the Screening Midwives are 01752 439792 if you wish to discuss any aspect of newborn screening.


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