Devon Maternity and Neonatal Voices Partnership

Devon Maternity and Neonatal Voices Partnership (MNVP) is a collective of parents (and parents to be) and providers of maternity and neonatal services (health professionals, charities, Healthwatch, non-health professionals) working together to review and contribute to the development of local maternity care across Devon.

The role of the MNVP is to support parents (including parents to be) and maternity and neonatal service providers to share their experiences and work together to continually improve these services. 

How you can get involved?

Get involved with Devon MNVP, help shape and review maternity services in Devon. You can decide how involved you would like to be. There are different ways of participating depending on your interest and available time:

  • Share your experiences of maternity and neonatal services on social media (Twitter @DevonMaternity or Facebook: Better Births Devon) or by email to, and look out for future events to attend
  • Join and represent families on the Devon MNVP partnership (terms of reference coming soon)
  • Collect maternity and neonatal stories, experiences, insights and recommendations from your community which we can feedback on your behalf
  • Host a local gathering. We want views from the different geographies of Devon (this could be through an existing group you already attend e.g. a baby group, or perhaps you have an idea for your own gathering 
  • Champion a particular aspect of maternity or neonatal services. Perhaps you are passionate about homebirths, or as a partner you are interested in support for birth partners. If you feel strongly about a particular element of these services and are interested in getting others involved in this topic please get in touch, we would love to hear from you.
  • Be involved in maternity and neonatal service quality improvement initiatives eg a ‘Walk the Patch’ in your local maternity and neonatal unit’

Why get involved? 

  • By sharing your experiences and volunteering some of your time you can help shape maternity and neonatal services in Devon
  • Help to make sure that all voices, including those whose voices are less easily heard, contribute to the development of these services in Devon.
  • Help to make sure we are looking at topics which are important to parents and taking recommendations on how care can be improved

For more information about Devon MNVP:


Twitter: @devonmaternity

Facebook: Better Births Devon

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