
The Haematology department is involved in the diagnosis and monitoring of conditions as diverse as anaemia, leukaemia, glandular fever and haemoglobinopathies. The department analyses approximately 2,200 full blood count samples daily using a state of the art, fully automated tracking system.

Blood film morphology is routinely performed for a variety of reasons and can be requested by contacting the laboratory on exts 33244 and 33245. Samples need to be less than 24 hours old.

Haemoglobinopathy screening, for sickle cell and thalassaemia, is undertaken by using Capillary electrophoresis (CE). Any variant haemoglobins detected are identified by acid gel electrophoresis. Samples may be referred to the Oxford regional genetics laboratory for thalassaemia genotyping or variant identification. The laboratory is also the starting point for red cell enzyme and red cell membrane investigations but please discuss any such requests first by making contact on exts 33244 and 33245.

The laboratory section lead for haematology is Sharon Monk and can be contacted on exts 33244 and 33245 or by emailing sharonmonk@nhs.net

Des Rogers is the laboratory lead for sickle cell, thalassaemia and other red cell related investigations. He can be contacted on exts 33244 and 33245 or by emailing Desmond.Rogers@nhs.net.

Malaria screening 

In addition to time consuming thick and thin film review, an immunochromatographic antigenic test is used, which is particularly reliable for plasmodium falciparum.

All malaria requests are treated as urgent and the laboratory must be notified (exts 33244 and 33245). Clearly indicate on the form details of foreign travel, symptoms, prophylaxis and date of return to the UK. Also provide a name of a requesting clinician, along with contact details, to enable positive cases to be reported without delay

Stem Cell Processing

The stem cell section within Derriford Combined Laboratory processes autologous and allogeneic stem cell harvests for fresh infusion or cryopreservation as therapy for South West Peninsula haematology patients. These patients are from the Royal Cornwall, Torbay, Exeter and Derriford Hospitals.

Peripheral blood, bone marrow and donor lymphocyte harvests are processed and stored by the DCL Biomedical Scientist team in an off-site clean room facility owned by Biovault Ltd.

Cells are quantified by in house blood counts and flow cytometry, and are also tested for viability and sterility. The SW Peninsula Transplant Service has a well-developed Quality Programme and the service is JACIE accredited.

The programme clinical director is Dr Patrick Medd. Enquiries can be directed to the stem cell lead Biomedical Scientist J Giles on Tel 0782 6892447.



Useful telephone numbers

  External Internal
Combined Laboratory (results) 433217 33217
Blood Bank 431670 31670
Haematology Laboratory





Dr David Lewis 430936 30936
Dr Tom Scorer 430936 30936
Dr Scorer, Secretary 432591 32591
Dr Hannah Hunter 431003 31003
Dr Hunter, Secretary 432591 32591
Dr Tim Nokes 431001 31001
Dr Nokes, Secretary 432595 32595
Dr Wayne Thomas 433117 33117
Dr Thomas, Secretary 430126 30126
Dr Patrick Medd 437889 37889
Dr Medd, Secretary 432595 32595
Dr Claire Hutchinson 432007 32007
Dr Hutchinson, Secretary 430126 30126
Dr Yin Thi 432729 32729
Dr Thi, Secretary 432594 32594

Review Status

Reviewed June 2024
This page will be updated December 2024

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