Discharge from Hospital

The occupational therapist (OT) will meet with you to discuss your home situation to ensure a safe discharge plan.  Appropriate family and carers should be involved.  The OT will discuss and sometimes assess your ability to manage “essential activities of daily living” that you will need to do when home. These may include; washing and dressing, drink preparation and getting on and off the toilet, bed and chair.

Following the assessment the OT may provide equipment or minor adaptations such as rails, chair rises or toileting equipment.  Where possible this will be done before your discharge.  We will aim to get you straight back home if possible but some people will need to go for further rehabilitation or to a care setting.

You may be given an additional leaflet advising you about your ongoing recovery.  Depending on your mobility needs and discharge destination you may be referred for therapy in the community.  This may be in an outpatient department or in your own home.  The OT will discuss this with you during your stay and refer you as appropriate. 

Who to Contact After Discharge

Within the first 24 hours of discharge from hospital contact Sharp Ward on 01752 792174

After 24 hours contact your own GP

In an emergency dial 999

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