Day of Surgery – Before Your Operation
Due to the nature of a trauma surgery service, the time of your operation may unfortunately be changed if an emergency occurs. If this happens, the team will keep you informed and give you a new expected time for surgery.
In the morning, you will have an Echocardiogram. This is a test to assess the function of your heart and helps the anaesthetist to plan the anaesthetic for your operation.
You can eat up to 6 hours and drink clear fluids up to 2 hours before your operation. You will then need to remain ‘nil by mouth’ until after your operation.
Usually, you will be able to take your normal tablets and medicines but the ward nurse will discuss this with you. If you take warfarin, it will be stopped temporarily to prevent excess bleeding during the operation.
We will assist you to wash and put on a surgical gown.
We will ask you to remove any jewellery. You can wear plain band rings but they will need to be taped.
You can keep dentures, glasses or hearing aids with you until you get to the operating theatre.
You will be taken to the operating theatre, on your bed, by members of the theatre team.
The theatre team will check your details on the ward and in the theatre suite. As part of the Surgical Safety Checklist there will be a final check of your details before you are given your anaesthetic and have your operation.