Benefits and Risks of Treatment Available

Benefits of having surgery

The aim of surgery is to repair the fracture to provide long term pain relief. This will allow you to sit out of bed and start walking the day after your operation. You will be much more comfortable following your operation, so you will be able to start your recovery immediately.


Risks of having surgery

Risks include pain, infection, bleeding, damage to blood vessels and nerves around the hip, clots in the legs or lungs, further fractures, failure of the device (leading to further surgery) and not surviving the operation.

Alternative to surgery

Without an operation, the bone will take at least three months to heal or possibly longer.  During this time, you would be nursed flat in bed.  Staying in bed for this long has its own problems, including chest infection, blood clots in the leg or lung, urine infection and bed sores.  Controlling pain is difficult.  These problems together can make it more dangerous than having an operation.

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