T Levels

As a teaching hospital our aim is to promote and support all academic pathways into a career within a healthcare setting and T Levels is no exception. As T Levels are slowly introduced, and the variety of subject areas increase nationally, we look to expand the industry placements we offer to local students studying for this new academic qualification.

What are T Levels?

T Levels are 2-year courses which are taken after GCSEs and are broadly equivalent in size to 3 A Levels. Launched in September 2020, these courses have been developed in collaboration with employers and education providers so that the content meets the needs of industry and prepares students for entry into skilled employment, an apprenticeship or related technical study through further or higher education.

Every T Level includes an industry placement with an employer focused on developing the practical and technical skills required for the occupation. These will last a minimum of 315 hours (approximately 45 days) but can last longer.

More information:

Government information about T-Levels

Employer information about T Levels

How long do they take

T Levels are a 2 year post GCSE course and will typically follow a standard academic year commencing in September.

What T Level subjects are currently available?

As a new qualification the variety of T Level subjects are due to be introduced nationally on a phased basis commencing Sept 2020.

Please be aware not all subjects may be available in your local area and you may need to contact your local college or academic provider to confirm existing choice locally.  

Currently available:

  • Accounting

  • Agriculture, land management and production

  • Building services engineering for construction

  • Design and development for engineering and manufacturing

  • Design, surveying and planning for construction

  • Digital business services

  • Digital production, design and development

  • Digital support and services

  • Education and early years

  • Engineering, manufacturing, processing and control

  • Finance

  • Health

  • Healthcare science

  • Maintenance, installation and repair for engineering and manufacturing

  • Management and administration

  • Legal services

  • Onsite construction

  • Science

September 2024:

  • Animal care and management

  • Craft and design

  • Hair, beauty and aesthetics

  • Media, broadcast and production

September 2025:

  • Marketing

Further planned T Levels:

  • A T Level is planned in Catering, for delivery beyond 2025

Which providers offer T Levels locally?

There are a number of post GCSE providers locally who have either commenced a T Level programme or are looking to do so in the very near future.

We are currently supporting  City College Plymouth with the following T Level

  • T Level in Health

  • T Level in Healthcare Science

As a large employer we are always keen to increase the level and variety of industry placements we have on offer here at UHP. If you are a local provider who is considering offering T Levels and would like to discuss possible industry placements with our team please do get in touch  Plh-tr.apprenticeships@nhs.net

How do I apply for a T Level industry placement?

You will need to be studying for a T Level qualification with a local academic provider.

We will typically open an application window in September and will look to carry out a fair and transparent selection process between October and December yearly.

If we are already engaged with your provider, then your tutor or placement co-ordinator will be able to share details of our application process with you.

If you are currently studying for a T Level and do not believe we are engaged with your provider please do get in touch at Plh-tr.apprenticeships@nhs.net so we can look to support you through the application process. 

What happens next?

If you are successful and offered an industry placement with us here at UHP you can expect the following

  • A comprehensive welcome event including suitable safety training within your specialist area and all mandatory online eLearning packages.

  • Your host will provide a local induction on arrival to your area. To include orientation, health and safety, fire and freedom to speak up escalation plan.

  • A suitable buddy(s) / Host(s) will support you for the duration of the placement.

  • You will be provided with supervision and pastoral support in the event of accident or incident during a shift.

  • We will regularly encourage you to seek feedback on your practice, to be inquisitive and learn from other members of the multi-disciplinary team.

What we require from students

All we ask in return is for students to:

  • Have a willingness to learn

  • Work as part of a team

  • Be respectful and courteous to each other

  • Possess good time management skills

  • Have a friendly and positive attitude

  • Understand and comply with confidentiality requirements

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