Diabetes Ante Natal Service

Diabetes Antenatal service

Referring to the clinic

The diabetes antenatal clinics are held in Derriford hospital 3 mornings per week.

Tuesday mornings- Pre-existing diabetes and specialist endocrine advice.

Monday and Friday mornings- Gestational Diabetes

These clinics have access to a multidisciplinary team consisting of consultants, specialist nurses, specialist midwives and dietitians.

Who can be referred?

  • Women who have either Type 1 or type 2 diabetes prior to their pregnancy
  • Women who develop gestational diabetes (GDM) with a GTT in pregnancy…fasting value of 5.3 mmols or more and/or a 2 hour value of 7.8 mmols or more.

How to make a referral?

If you need to refer a women with pre-existing diabetes please phone

  • Antenatal clinic in Derriford Hospital on 01752 432170 for an urgent appointment

Also contact

  • Emma Green- Advanced Diabetes Specialist Nurse on 07825 356928  

For a newly diagnosed women with Gestational Diabetes please refer to antenatal clinic for a dietetic/diabetes midwife review then a joint antenatal/diabetes clinic with growth scan (if required).


Or Catharine Dawson- Diabetes Specialist Nurse on 01752 245174 (diabetes centre)

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