Type 1 Diabetes

type 1 diabetesIn Devon and Cornwall there are approximately 100,000 individuals with diabetes and we know the type 1 diabetes population is about 10% of the total diabetes population. 

Type 1 diabetes is indiscriminate and can affect anyone regardless of age despite been traditionally viewed a condition which manifests itself in children. We know that it isn’t cause by a poor diet or unhealthy lifestyle choices.  What is more it is not known what triggers the condition and there is no way you could have prevented type 1 diabetes.

What we do know that your immune system has attacked the beta cells in your pancreas and destroyed them.  The immune system’s role is to protect your body from the attack of viruses and bacteria.  However in the incident of Type 1 diabetes it has destroyed the pancreas’ insulin producing beta cells.

Without insulin the human body cannot survive. Insulin’s vital role is to allow the movement of energy into the cells from the blood stream.   Watch this YouTube below to learn more about type 1 diabetes


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