Paediatric School Team

Classroom photo ACE Schools, Part of Transforming Futures Trust, offer education to all statutory school age children who are in-patients on the children’s wards (Wildgoose and Woodcock) at Derriford Hospital. We have a dedicated school room based on Wildgoose Ward, which is full of books, games and other resources to both support and promote education and learning. The school room is open during term time only, Monday to Thursday between the hours of 8.30am to 3.30pm and on Friday’s between 8.30am and 12pm. Our staff facilitate education for all children who are medically able to access it, and education is completed either at the bedside or in the classroom. When a child or young person has been an inpatient for an extended period of time, the Hospital Education Facilitator will make contact with the young person’s home school, to request work and resources that their peers are accessing to be completed while in hospital. This is to support them as much as possible with their education and give them the opportunity to maintain their studies, rather than needing to catch up, on their return to school.

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