Useful Links
- The National Autistic Society Charity for Autistic people in the UK and their families.
- Ambitious About Autism We stand with autistic children and young people, champion their rights and create opportunities.
- Contact The charity for families with disabled children
- Mencap Everything we do is about valuing and supporting people with a learning disability, and their families and carers.
- Plymouth Parent Carer Voice Brings together parents and carers of children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) in Plymouth and the surrounding area to give them the voice in the services that they use.
- Plymouth Online DirectoryThe Plymouth Online Directory, or POD, is provided by Plymouth City Council and contains information, advice, help, and support services for adults, young people, and families who live and work in Plymouth
- Cerebra We’re the national charity dedicated to helping children with brain conditions and their families discover a better life together. Including Sleep Advice Service
- ADHD Information and advice for parents/carers or young people with ADHD
- Family Matters Plymouth Charity providing Family Therapy
- The Zone Charity which provides free confidential information & support to young people
- Young Devon Counselling for 11 (year 7)-25 year olds. Face to face or online
- Kooth Online counselling for seocndary school age children
- Family Lives Support at all stages of a child's development. they also have a online chat facility and advice line regarding behaviour problems
- Plymouth Options We are a free confidential, NHS talking therapy service for people (aged 16+) in Plymouth. Self referrals encouraged or referral by GP
- Jeremiahs Journey Information and support for children following a bereavement
- PDAS Plymouth Domestic Abuse Service
- Challenging Behaviour Foundation We hold a broad range of information and guidance about challenging behaviour and connected issues
- Plymouth Local offer for SEND The Local Offer explains the support and services that are available for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) aged 0 to 25 years What you need to know about the Local Offer - YouTube
- PIAS Plymouth Information, Advice and Support for SEND (PIAS) provides information, advice and support relating to Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) for parents, carers, children and young people within the Plymouth Local Authority area (search DIAS for Devon)
- PEGS Parental Education Advice and Support provide support for parents and caregivers who experience Child to Parent Abuse. Where a child (of any age) displays repeated abusive behaviours towards a parental figure. This abuse may be physical, verbal, economic, digital, coercive or even sexual.
An Education Health Care Plan (EHCP)
Most mainstream schools, settings, and colleges will be able to meet your child's special educational needs. However, if your child needs more support than the early years placement/school /post 16 placement can provide, they may need an Education Health Care Plan. -details how to request an Education Health Care Needs Assessment and the Special Educational Needs Coordinator in your child’s placement can also support with information on the process .
An Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) is a document that supports children and young people with special educational needs in education.
When a child or young person has an Education Health Care Needs assessment there is a process to follow. For more information see link.
What is an Education Health and Care Plan? (
Useuful guide from the National Autistic Society about EHCP's here
We hope you find the above resources helpful; there are many more resources on our website on specific pages (our wellbeing or OT page for example). We are always happy to signpost so if you are looking for something specific please ask. Also if you are visiting us, we have links to further resources by reception...