Advice and Guidance CDC

We have worked to collate information and resources together into topic areas which we think may be helpful for children, young people and their families who access the Child Development Centre. We have tried to design them for people to access before, during and after any work with our services. Clicking on any of the links below will take you to an external website page called a padlet. Here you will find videos, articles, book recommendations and other services we would recommend taking a look at. We have reviewed the resources at the time of publishing, but we are not responsible for any external links suggested in the padlets.

Child Development Centre

The best ways to contact us at the CDC

Information about what happens after you have been referred to the CDC

Occupational Therapy

View our advice on promoting independence in Activities of Daily Living like washing, dressing and toileting

View information about helping to understand sensory differences

Take a look at fun and engaging activities we get up to in OT with lots of really useful resources

How technology can support children and young people


View answers to frequently asked questions following an Autism diagnosis plus signposting to key resources

View information and resources for our Teen ADHDers 

Take a look at our general information and resources for ADHD

View our information and resources for our child ADHDers

General Wellbeing

Take a look at gaming and internet use for Neurotypical and Neurodivergent brains

Support and strategies for young people who have a limited variety in their diet

Resources and signposting for caregivers of children who are self-harming

Find out what mindfulness is and how you can practise it in your everyday life

Advice on getting better sleep for your child or young person

A huge range of local and national services which can provide addtional support for your family 

View our Anxiety Self-help and resources

View our resources for our Circle of Security group 

View information and guidance for those where anxiety is getting in the way of toileting

Hospital visits

For parents of children who are coming to Derriford Hospital for an outpatient appointment or inpatient stay

Click here for tips and resources for how to prepare children for and keep them relaxed during their procedure

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