NHS Numbers

Your NHS number

Your NHS number is unique to you. It helps healthcare staff and service providers to more easily identify you correctly and match your details to your health records.

Everyone registered with the NHS in England and Wales has their own unique NHS Number.

  • An NHS number does not mean you're automatically entitled to the free use of all NHS services. You may have to pay for some services.
  • You do not need your NHS number to use NHS services.

Find your NHS number

Your NHS number is a 10-digit number, like 485 777 3456.

You can find it:

  • On any letter from the NHS like a prescription or appointment letter
  • By calling your GP surgery and asking them for your number
  • Online at find nhs number
  • The NHS App 

You will not have an NHS number:

  • If you have never been registered with a GP practice in England, Wales or the Isle of Man, have never received any NHS treatment, and were not born in England, Wales or the Isle of Man.

When you register with a GP practice, they will check whether you have an NHS Number and if not you will be given one.

Using your NHS number

You can use your NHS number across the NHS. This could be at the hospital, your GP practice or NHS dentist.

  • If you know your NHS Number you can help healthcare staff find your records more easily and share them safely with others who are caring for you.
  • As an added safety measure, you can start checking the things the NHS sends you to make sure they have the right NHS Number.
  • NHS staff will begin to ask for your NHS Number more often, so remember to keep it in a safe place which you have easy access to.

The NHS number is more useful than a hospital number to ensure safe and efficient continuation of your care between GPs, hospital and other organisations

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