Oncology Dietitian

What is an Oncology Dietitian?

An Oncology Dietitian provides support to in-patients and out-patients, that have been referred to us by their consultant or GP, during surgery, or other treatments, such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy. These treatments can have an impact on the amount and type of foods people can eat. Some treatments can affect how food tastes, and certain foods may need to be avoided.

We work alongside the Oncology consultants, various surgical teams, clinical nurse specialists and other health professionals in the acute and community health settings. Our aim is to help patients maintain their weight and meet their nutritional requirements as far as they are able to do so, and reduce their risk of developing other complications. In certain cases, patients may need to follow more specific dietary restrictions, and the dietitian will advise on how to do this safely. We are able to provide written information and recipe ideas. We can also arrange for patients to receive suitable nutritional supplements when required.

The Oncology Dietitian Team comprises:

  • Macmillan Specialist Head and Neck Oncology Dietitian (Bleep 1018)
  • Specialist Upper GI & Oncology Dietitian (Pager 89454)
  • Rotational Oncology Dietitian
  • Oncology Dietetic Assistant - supports dietitians, facilitates timely discharge and can train patients on feeding pumps.


General Oncology Clinic
Monday afternoon
Mustard Tree

Allied Health Professional (AHP) Pre-treatment clinic
Monday afternoon
ENT department

AHP Post-treatment clinic
Thursday afternoon
Mustard Tree

Radiotherapy clinic
Wednesday morning and Friday afternoon
Radiotherapy department

Head and Neck Clinic
Thursday morning
ENT Department

Who should I refer to an oncology dietitian?

Any patients with nutritional problems resulting from their treatment and/or cancer symptoms. For example:

  • Weight loss
  • Poor appetite
  • Taste changes
  • Nausea & vomiting
  • Diarrhoea
  • Constipation
  • Dry mouth
  • Sore mouth
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Patients with feeding tubes
  • Ward patients with a MUST score of 2 or more


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