Help with your mental health
If you feel worried about your mental health or that of a loved one or a friend, you can call First Response helpline on 111.
- First Response is available to anyone in Plymouth at the time of experiencing a mental health crisis.
- Available 24/7.
- Health and care professionals can call for advice when working with an individual experiencing mental health difficulties or if they would like to refer someone.
- Emergency responders such as the police, paramedics, and GPs, can call for advice when working with an individual experiencing mental health difficulties or if they would like to refer someone.
When you call, you will be given two options:
- If you are a child or young person, or you are calling about a child or young person under the age of 18, press 1
- If you are an adult or you are calling about an adult, press 2
If you are calling to refer, you will be given further options once you have pressed 1 or 2.
Helplines and online support for mental health
First response and young people
- 24/7 Helpline
- Available to adults over the age of 18 who are in Plymouth at the time of experiencing a mental health crisis.
- Call 111
NHS Plymouth Talking Therapies (Plymouth Options)
- Free and confidential
- Offering telephone, video and online support for people experiencing mental health problems such as stress, low mood, and depression.
- Call 01752 435 419
- email livewell.plymouthoptions@nhs.net
NHS Talking Therapies for anxiety and depression
Urgent Help
- If you are at risk of causing yourself harm, call 999
- You can call the Samaritans on 116 123
- Head Space offers 1:1 telephone appointments, call 07890 257 614
- Valued lives available 7 days a week, 5pm to midnight, call 01209 901 438