Patient Information

We aim to give patients all the information they need to make choices about their care and treatment, and support them in managing their condition.

Interpretation & Translation Services

We have arrangements in place for supporting both face-to-face and telephone-based interpretation and the translation of written information.  This includes interpreting in any language, British Sign Language, urgent interpretation by telephone and translation of helpful leaflets in large print and other formats. Individual management plans are printed in bold and large font to support people with visual impairment.

Patient Feedback

The department welcomes feedback to help us improve on services and also let us know when we have done a good job. 

We also encourage all patients and/or carers to complete The Friends and Family Test after their appointment and we are proud to share our results. In 2023, 100% of patients rated the audiology service as “Very Good” or “Good”

For more information or details on these results or you would like to leave us any feedback please contact the audiology department.

Patient Information Leaflets and Links

The Adult service information booklet booklet contains lots of useful information about our adult services. The booklet includes advice on hearing aid maintenance and repairs, other support services and problem solving.

Some of our hearing aids have the availability to link with Bluetooth technology. More information and pricelists for Oticon and Phonak devices are listed below. If you have any other questions or use Danalogic hearing aids please don’t hesitate to contact the department for advice.

  1. Using bluetooth with your hearing aids (Oticon)
  2. Information for GN ReSound hearing aid users

After your new hearing aid is fitted or your hearing has been reassessed the Audiologist will agree to either book a further follow up in the department or contact you by telephone. If you have a telephone follow up booked the following leaflets include some the questions you may be asked to think about during this phone call.

  1. Telephone Follow-Ups Hearing Aid refits.

  2. Telephone Follow-Ups New hearing Aids

If you prefer information in a video format The Nottingham Biomedical Research Centre in partnership with the Nottingham University Hospitals NHS trust and the University of Nottingham have created C2Hear Online.

C2Hear Online is a series of short, interactive, multimedia videos about hearing aids, hearing loss and communication. C2Hear has been designed for first-time hearing aid users, but may also be beneficial to existing hearing aid users, as well as family and friends.

These videos have been shown to provide a range of benefits by a high-quality research study. For more information visit the National Institute for Health and Care Research.

C2Hear videos are now freely available online and can be accessed via computers, smartphones and tablets. Watch C2Hear hearing aid videos.

If you think a family member or friend would benefit from these videos but they do not have access to the internet please contact the audiology department as we can provide these on a DVD.

The service also engages with our third sector partners in providing public information on hearing and tinnitus in general, and our service in particular. We always attend the Plymouth Guild disability and hearing and sight exhibitions, and the Plymouth City Council Older People’s Day. We hold information stands for Deaf Awareness Week and Tinnitus Awareness Day annually, combined with our partner organisations. We provide a facility for Action on Hearing Loss to offer an information stand at Derriford Hospital on a monthly basis. We attend local groups such as the Tavistock Hard of Hearing Club and actively support the Kingsbridge Hard of Hearing group. More information on our third party sectors can be found in the Adult service information booklet.

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