Inpatient Wards
The SWLU has both Medical and Surgical inpatient wards. The information on this page relates to the medical ward. For information about the surgical wards please press here.
Shipley Ward (Medical)
Shipley ward is a medical ward specialising in Hepatology.
The ward is on Level 11 and has 28 beds including 5 individual side rooms. There is a Level 1 bay (enhaced nursing care). The ward is mixed sex, with men and women nursed in separate bays.
The Sister of the ward is Theresia Makatile
Ward Philosophy
We aim to provide high quality care through an holistic approach, ensuring all individual needs are met in a caring and sensitive manner. Our staff have a real passion for Shipley's speciality and will provide care of a high standard to all who stay with us. We endeavour to offer an open and friendly environment where the patient and family members can express their needs. We hope to maintain self-esteem, dignity and a sense of well-being and purpose to every individual whilst on our ward.
Ward Visiting Times
The ward usually has open visiting and is open to visitors from 8am - 10 pm. Currently in view of COVID restrictions, we allow 1 nominated person a 1 hour visit (pre-booked on the morning of the visit).
Doctors’ Ward Rounds
The name of your Consultant should be written on the board above your bed. Consultants will normally see their patients at least 3 times a week (ward round). A doctor on the Consultant’s team will see you every day during the week and at the weekend if it is necessary. Mornings and mealtimes are the busiest time on the ward. Doctors’ ward rounds are usually completed in the mornings. It would therefore be appreciated, and hopefully more informative to you, if you could try to leave non-urgent calls until after 11am and avoid ringing during medication rounds and mealtimes.
If you wish to see a doctor to discuss your relative’s condition, please talk to the ward clerk or ring the ward to arrange an appointment.
Breakfast | 7-8am |
Morning Coffee | 10.30am |
Lunch | 12-1pm |
Afternoon Tea | 2.30pm |
Evening Meal | 5-6pm |
Drinks are available at any time, please ask.
Contact Us
To contact the ward Sister please ring: (01752) 432786
To contact the ward clerk please ring: (01752) 432742
To contact the discharge coordinator please ring: (01752) 437119
Further Information
For Further information about Shipley ward please click here to read the Shipley patient leaflet.
We know that coming to hospital can be daunting. For further information about how to prepare for your inpatient stay please click here.