
Our service monitors our clinical performance so that we can contiue to identify what we are doing well and what we could improve. We have multiple sources of feedback, not all of which are presented here. We do have some key performance indicators that are presented below and we also gain patient feedback.

Key perfomance indicators (KPI's)

  • Antibiotic prescription in acute variceal bleeding 24 hrs either side of the procedure.

Antibiotic prescription in acute variceal bleeding 24 hrs either side of the procedure.


  • Ascitic tap in emergency admissions with ascites.

ascitic tap in ascites



  • Albumin and antibiotic prescription in patients diagnosed with SBP within 12 hours of diagnosis.

albumin and antibiotics within 12 hours sbp



  • Percentage of acute admissions with decompensated liver disease seen by a gastroenterologist/hepatologist within 24 hours of admission.


saw hepatologist within 24 hours


Patient feedback.


feedback picture